Wie kann ich mein Gehalt vom Minijob auf mein Konto überweisen lassen, obwohl meine Eltern Bürgergeld bekommen und ich nur 170€ Freibetrag habe?
Meine Eltern kriegen Bürgergeld. Ich wollte einen Minijob anfangen, darf aber wegen Sozialleistung nur 170€ kriegen, was aber zu wenig ist. Alles andere würde einfach verschwinden. Kann ich das Geld einfach trotzdem auf mein Konto schicken lassen und hoffen, dass das Finanzamt kein Wind von bekommt oder wird auch mein Konto überprüft vom Finanzamt wegen meinen Eltern. Wenn das nicht geht, kann ich einfach ein Konto im Ausland (EU) eröffnen und das Geld darauf zahlen lassen. Bis wo geht der Arbeitgeber mit? Würde der mir auch Gehalt auf ein Nicht-EU Konto zahlen? Was kriegt das Finanzamt am Ende mit und was nicht?
If you’re 25. If you have not completed your life, you will be entitled to a charge-free allowance of 538 euros at the Jobcenter.
Otherwise, you can agree with your employer whether you have the wage transferred to the parental or your own account.
You have to sign in, or your parents have to do the job at the job center. The employer must also register the mini-job at the mini-job center.
The tax office has nothing to do with it, but the general social insurance companies and the mini-job center then know about the job, and then the job center could also learn about this job.
Thanks for the answer, but from a certain performance, the income of the minijob will be deducted from the parents. Then it comes in from one side and the other out. I’ve seen that you can make a holiday job up to €200, but don’t just want to work on vacation.
As I said, you have a free allowance of 538 euros. Only income in addition would then again be proportionally reduced to your benefit.
Of course, besides a continuously exercised mini-job, you should also go after a short-term job, such as a holiday job. Then the job center from your benefit would only be allowed to charge up to the amount of your proportional rental costs in the parental apartment in the demand community.
Thus, during the holiday together with the mini-job, you could also legally paint the one or the other month more than 1000 euros under the line.
Although it is not necessary it is terrified when
is already thought about fraud to gain benefits.
That doesn’t work.
Can you explain this to me or maybe send a link where I can read it?
This should already result in pure logic.
the employer reports its expenses (= your salary) to the tax office, and at the latest the notifications are known.