Wie kann ich mein Freund dazu bringen mit Sportwetten aufzuhören?

Hallo, mein Freund heißt Andi, er ist 18 Jahre und tippt schon seitdem er 18 geworden ist im Februar. Am Anfang haben wir zu dritt getippt mit kleinen Beträgen weil wir neugierig waren und zu neue Sachen ausprobieren wollten.

Mein Freund und ich haben schnell bemerkt dass es nichts bringt mit hohen Beträgen zu gewinnen weil man sowieso danach wieder das Geld verliert was wir auch bei Andi gesehen haben. Er hat immer mehr mit hohen Beträgen eingezahlt obwohl wir ihn gewarnt haben, er hat uns aber nicht zugehört und meinte “Ja mal schauen, vielleicht höre ich auf”, macht aber immernoch weiter.

Sein Verhalten hat sich auch irgendwie geändert, er antwortet aggressiver und stressiger. Wir waren auch im Urlaub zu dritt und da war er die ganze Zeit am Handy vor allem Nachts. Er hat auch paar Tage bevor wir in den Urlaub gefahren sind 8,5k Euro gewonnen, was er jetzt wieder verloren hat.

Heute hat er wieder 50 Euro eingezahlt. Er meint “Ja juckt mich nicht, ich kriege das Geld wieder zurück” und so etwas. Er lenkt auch immer vom Thema ab wenn man ihnm sagt dass er das unterlassen soll. Manchmal sagt er mir auch nichts, weil ich ihn anscheinend damit nerve. Er hat den Bezug zu Geld verloren. Kann jemand helfen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus

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2 months ago

I think it’s great that you’re making so many thoughts about your friend! As you describe it, in my eyes he could actually be in the process of developing a gambling addiction, but maybe he’ll get the curve in time. And also a gambling addiction can be overcome, best with professional help, e.g. in a specialized consultancy. A nationwide list of such bodies is available under http://www.buwei.de. There, by the way, friends can also be advised how they can best deal with the situation.

Unfortunately, it is indeed so that the insight that it cannot go on so far must come from Andi himself. As long as he doesn’t have it, it’s quite normal that he’s annoyed when you talk to him on the subject because he feels you want to take something away from him. There is less often more! That means that I would only occasionally address the issue – and if, then not as a criticism, but as an expression of your concern for him. So something like, “You’re such a great person, and I’m worried that you’re doing a lot of things through your playing!” It is also helpful if you can call concrete observations that he can’t just do, e.g. “Now you even quit the gym, where you’d like to go.” or “I think it’s a shame that you’re pulling back from your friends!”

I wish you and Andi all the best! If you have any questions, you can send me a friendship request.

2 months ago

First of all, it’s very important, as you repeatedly emphasise, that he’s called Andi, that naturally changes everything in the story.

His money, his thing. If you want to play therapist, brittle, but there are also professionals, so-called therapists.

Greetings from me.

2 months ago

There are plenty of examples of help, in the end I will add a link.

However, he must also want to help, and this does not seem to be the case here.

It’s good that you’re trying to help, maybe it’s going to give him the link, but definitely don’t let you go.


1 month ago

Your friend is playful and must have the will to fight this hellish addiction, e.g. to seek help with a special consultancy.

But if he is not willing to do so, then there is no other good way to play out and as hard as it sounds, he must make his own experience, even on the hard tour.

Don’t lend him anything if he doesn’t have any more to pay in and distance you, as good as it is, from his behavior.

1 month ago

Playful. He’s got to see this, or you can’t help. As drinking or smoking or other drugs

2 months ago

Not at all. He is addicted and he should stay 🤗