Wie kann ich (M16) meinen Eltern verheimlich das ich gekifft habe?
Hi, ich habe vor Mal einen Joint zu kiffen, weiß aber nicht wie ich es meinen Eltern verheimlichen soll. (Rote Augen…)
Hat jemand Tipps?
Hi, ich habe vor Mal einen Joint zu kiffen, weiß aber nicht wie ich es meinen Eltern verheimlichen soll. (Rote Augen…)
Hat jemand Tipps?
Hallo ich wohne noch bei meine Familie und sie wissen nicht das ich kiffe wenn sie es herausfinden dann bin ich im siebten Himmel wie kann ich einen Joint rauchen ohne das sie es merken
mit begründung
mache sind anders beschriftet etc. andere impoteur etc.
und wenn ja wo kauft ihr eure ?
Wie oft seit ihr betrunken in der Woche / Monat ?
Depends on when you have to go home best you sleep with a friend or something
with me the first time I went around for a few hours before I arrived at home there you weren’t looking at it again so everything was good so you should always plan enough time or look for a good moment where your parents aren’t home and then just go to sleep before they come back, so I always said I was tired because they didn’t ask much more about
deo and so on for the odours I would not recommend because the alcohol strengthens the odours
So do it like me best just walk around until the effect goes on or stay with friends where no parents are
You do not necessarily get red eyes of cannabis use.
Incidentally, joints are shit because the extractant is often used as tobacco, and because about 25% of the contained cannabis burns completely useless; always when it’s not being pulled on the joint.
Better is the use of a purse. Even better: a vapo.
Principle: Start low and go slow, i.e. do not take more than one, two trains and then wait 20-30 minutes for the resulting effect.
Also glad to think about it (mindedly even ask for), with which the parents have experimented themselves when they were at your age.
Suitable reading for cannabis beginners and concerned parents: “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer.
ICh would go to them and say ‘I didn’t steal it and didn’t do it’
Followed by a 5 minute salmonflash🤣
Your parents deserve the greatest respect and you owe them a lot, as you have brought yourself to the world. Therefore they have the right to take you back from the world (maybe read “Moral Evalution of Rousseauschen Education” by Heinrich von der Hagen). So if you’ve secretly stolen your parents, you’ll commit a morally wrong act, put your parents.
Buy for 2-3€ eye drops with sea salt solution (it gives in every drugstore) and use it several times – that would be half the rent.
Otherwise just wait 1-2h until you meet them – you could also simulate a slight cold or hay fever.
I actually have a pollen allergy
I would leave the dirt at your place (and also be careful with Alk)! Otherwise, I’m really not a game spoiler and I don’t have to school the young people all the time, but I never hated and almost never drank alcohol, and I can still be fun. It doesn’t matter, it only costs money and health.
Just say you’re tired or have an allergy
This fits perfectly well, has often been inflamed in the eyes for years due to pollen
This was the first Google result with the search terms “Augendrop Kiffen”
Can you see yourself if you find something better:
https://cbd-deal24.de/cannabis/knowledge/eye drop-again-red-kiffer-augen/
indoor sunglasses
I did so at nem lsd trip, wra at peaks and got normal with my parents talking
War certainly hard horn or 🤣
Leave your fingers.
All drug addicts and drug killers started with this.
Eye drops skin