Wie kann ich lispeln wegen der zahnspange loswerden?
ich (w/15) habe jetzt schon seit einem monat eine feste zahnspange (insklusive diesem aufbissteil hinter den oberen schneidezähnen) und lispele immer noch ziemlich. Ich lispelte auch schon davor, jedoch nicht so schlimm. Es ist natürlich schon besser als in der ersten woche, aber trotzdem nicht zu überhören. Gibt es da irgendwelche Übungen? Oder muss ich zum logopäden? Es nervt echt sehr, weil ich mich z.B. schon nicht mehr traue mich im unterricht zu melden etc. Danke im vorraus!!!!
LG Katharina
Ciao :-
Don’t let Laien say anything here, because you can treat lispels very well in the case of logopeds, as it is an articulation disorder. After about 10 treatment hours, you’ll have it back in your grip.
Let’s give you a cure regulation from the orthodontic orthodontist and look for a logopedist. The exercises we will also help after the Spange to speak normal again.
It’s just half as bad. All good:-)
Hello Katharina,
all that is installed in the palate or behind the upper jaw cutting teeth is a challenge for the debate.
Most often helps talk, talk, and it gets better quickly – unfortunately not always perfect.
If you still have problems after a month, you should discuss this with your orthodontist.
Since the problems were already there before, i.e. did not come through the braces, or were only reinforced, then it might not be bad if you were going to a logo pad.
But also discuss with the orthodontic orthodontists whether there is no alternative to the bite.
Good luck!
that is completely normal
I’ve had a spruce for three weeks, and I’ve had a spruce for the spruce.
But you shouldn’t care if you’re smiling or not that’s not bad and you can’t do anything for it.
and if people make fun of it, you shouldn’t care what does it matter to people??
You don’t care.
and another 1 month then you can talk normal or half better!
It’s getting better with time, it was like that with me. There’s nothing to do with a logo paper because you’re just slaping about the brace. Wait for a month, you will be able to speak much better.
You’re wrong, because a logoped can help. It is an articulation disorder to be treated with exercises. The tongue position can be changed and this must be treated.
When I had a brace, I was told a logo pad because it was not necessary. It’s time for itself.
I actually read that.
You should have read the question correctly, then you would have noticed that it had already left before and that the chip has worsened it, so that it should be treated.
That’s not getting away. Take as it is. Everyone knows you have a brace.