How can I find customers who need my 3D printing services?
I am one of the best designers and make 3d printed parts very professionally with very high quality.
I have registered a business and opened a business account on classifieds.
The ad has been online for a week and only 70 people have seen it.
What can I do to attract customers?
Thank you for your time in advance!
All this is part of a targeted advertising. Without material properties, you cannot generate an order.
I would never award a contract if the partner could not take over the construction part.
Good luck!
expensive advertising on google and white the vulture elsewhere
You need to know who your target group is, who can need that.
Then you advertise in the appropriate places. e.g. computer business in the place, there are definitely technology enthusiastic people.
Or with local companies that could need special manufactured parts.
Consider who could use your product, who would buy it.
Then make targeted advertising where these people see it.
Also consider what your offer is and what you can produce. How much you can produce.
Bring nothing if you get an order of 5,000 pieces for one part and then can’t produce it in number
On classifieds I would certainly not be looking for the best designer.
Where would you be looking?
The best designers have presentations of their best works, and agencies that give them orders and customers.
You’d better get in touch with such a self-employed agency.
In Austria, for example, I know “Hays”. Is there certainly also in DE etc.
About google and then professional designers with their own homepage and their correct configuration appear.
Without professional advertising, it won’t matter.
Best designers know how to advertise, they don’t have to ask GF where the vast majority are still students.
I am a student and am certainly one of the best designers in Germany and my 3d print skills are at the highest level.
The self-examination should also have a level. It’s a great thing to do here all without any training…
In this time, your testimony doesn’t matter anymore, what you can do.