Wie kann ich kroatisches Radio in Deutschland hören?
Hallo, wie kann ich kroatisches Radio, also z.B ,,Radio 105″ oder so im Auto Audi A4 Avant in Deutschland hören?
Hallo, wie kann ich kroatisches Radio, also z.B ,,Radio 105″ oder so im Auto Audi A4 Avant in Deutschland hören?
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Schweiz- Deutschland
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You can play music from your phone in the car,
So this is coupled via cable or Bluetooth?
Then install an app, e.g. radio.de.
After a short setup, you can stream hundreds of thousands of radio stations around the world, including Radio 105 or other Croatian stations.
Many radio stations are also offered online as stream, so you can also hear them in other regions.
Whether your Audi has the opportunity to go to the Internet to listen to such streams I don’t know, you had to see if this is possible. Alternatively, you can also hear such streams via the smartphone and then connect them to the car radio.
About UKW only if you are in Croatia by car. What would be possible: connect the smartphone via BT to the car and retrieve the stream of the transmitter via mobile data.
About the Internet. Not sure about DAB or FM