Wie kann ich in Deutsch die Endungen besser beherrschen?
Ich mache bei Endungen wie bei den, dem, ein, einer, eines, einem immer wieder Fehler. Kann man mit viel regelmäßige Lesen verbessern oder wie kann man sein Sprachgefühl noch verbessern?
Ich mache bei Endungen wie bei den, dem, ein, einer, eines, einem immer wieder Fehler. Kann man mit viel regelmäßige Lesen verbessern oder wie kann man sein Sprachgefühl noch verbessern?
Hey! Ich habe einen Text über meinen Tagesablauf an Weihnachten auf spanisch geschrieben. Das Ganze muss in der Gegenwart sein. Könntet ihr den Text vielleicht einmal auf Grammatik und Rechtschreibung korrigieren und mir tipps zur Formulierung geben? Das wäre super nett!!
Hallo, ich habe vor ungefähr zwei Monaten einen wissenschaftlichen Aufsatz an einen Verlag versandt, wobei mir der Eingang bestätigt wurde.Zudem wurde ich darauf hingewiesen, dass der Aufsatz begutachtet werde. Mit einer Rückmeldung könne ich rechnen, sobald sich das Lektorat eine Meinung gebildet habe.Nach zwei Monaten frage ich mich nun, ob ich nachfragen oder es eher…
Ich frage für einen Freund. wir hatten im Unterricht das Thema Kulturen. Ein Klassenkamerad behauptet, dass Indische Menschen einen eigenen Körpergeruch haben. Das liegt an der Art und Weise wie sie essen. Nun haben wir uns die Frage gestellt ob diese denn riechen, dass deutsche Menschen ganz anders riechen.
Wenn man einmal raus aus dem Arbeitsmarkt ist, dann meist für immer oder? Gerade wenn da eine grosse Lücke ist, will dich ja normalerweise niemand einstellen. Und da ist der Grund natürlich völlig egal. Das heisst der Lebenslauf muss perfekt sein, oder, sonst ist man verloren? Das heisst wer Gesundheitsprobleme etc. bekommt, hat einfach Pech…
Reading good books is always a good idea. But let yourself be consulted in a bookshop. There are also relatively much junk in the trade that would not bring you anything.
I like to read Disney Villains or by Michael Ende the infinite story, as well as ink heart. Read currently by Franz Kafka The Scrapple. My brother and my teacher thought I improved, but I still make small mistakes
These are really great books!
So I’m saying, as long as you understand what you want to say, it’s not a big problem.
When my husband had worked in Greece for about three years, I initially felt like an illiterate. Although I was able to make myself quite quickly understandable, I could also read the Greek script quite quickly, I could not write it anyway.
I also made a lot of grammar errors guaranteed, which has no major disruption there.
The whole thing is now almost 30 years ago, so in the meantime I have learned a lot again.
If someone makes you stupid because of a small grammar mistake, ask him how long he would need to learn correct Turkish.
Ευχαριστώ – Thanks!
If I had gedured, I would have become a teacher for history. Especially I had an interest in archaeology, but so many archaeologists are not needed if you look realistic.
Unfortunately, my parents said that a girl at a higher school had nothing to look for.
If then I would want to study history, maybe also as an apprenticeship or completely different psychology or biology, I would also have interest.
Yes, but I will visit school and I love Latin Greek mythology and ancient history is full of my thing. In addition, I hate French and in order to gain the general university maturity, I need a 2 foreign language.
Not on every gymnasium you have Latin at all.
Even if you want to study medicine later, for example, the Latinum and the Graecum are no longer necessary.
Thank you, I’m in an evening real school and I’d catch up next year. After that, I wanted to go to the Munich College and when it goes to plan, then I wanted to catch up with my school. I also wanted to visit Latin this summer so that I would insist on the admission exam. And until then I will read and write hard.
These are no endings that are articles
I give a mouse a piece of cheese.
I give a piece of cheese to the mouse
I’ll take his food away from a child.
I’ll take his food away from that child
You notice this with one, one, one are unknown article you do not say exactly who you take anything, give … but inaccurate [something]
Imagine that you gave a child a piece of chocolate. You say to your friend: “I have the child a piece of chocolate given” while you show the child. Or you say, “I have a child a piece of chocolate given” because the child is already gone or you no longer know exactly what child it was.
Reading makes it even better for you.
Thanks, as I wanted to start reading, that’s good.
In addition to reading absolutely also a lot of hearing and speaking
Yes, but my teacher recommended me to write a lot next to reading. only by writing you learn to write. But I don’t know how to start.
Of course, if you’re talking about writing, you’ll write best. One method is to write texts with audio and transcript as in a dictate and then compare them with the transcript.