Wie kann ich herausfinden wie viel ps mein Mofa hat?
Mein Mofa hat Ca. 60 ccm wie viel ps wären das dann? Oder kann man des mit dem Wert überhaupt nicht berechnen?
Mein Mofa hat Ca. 60 ccm wie viel ps wären das dann? Oder kann man des mit dem Wert überhaupt nicht berechnen?
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You’d have to look in the vehicle papers, it’s actually in it.
However, if something has been pumped around, you have to go to a test bench, as the Ps are dependent not only on the engine but also on the fuel injection, the valves etc.
Ok thank you well to know😋
in the vehicle papers the performance I think is only specified in KW, but Google likes to do this to you
You can’t calculate that with the value. A truck also has over 6L capacity and yet it has only 400PS during a golf R with 2L 270 hp. This depends on several factors.
How much PS the Mofa has is in the papers. If only the kW is specified, you can calculate the kW value by 1.36 and have the PS value.
possible it, have read here too, quite complicated – but never of one value,
By the way; the mofa may have a maximum of 50ccm…
Jaaaa this is so put in it as a visual object would that be possible??
The Mofa may also have more than 50ccm!
well, but then must no longer be run with a Mofa test certificate xD
In addition to the displacement space, the speed (or stroke frequency) and a number of technical experience values are required. It’s much easier to look into the vehicle papers.
You take a couple of horses and let the Mofa take off. If no one wins and no one loses, count the horses used.
In principle, I do not support the exploitation of animals and find the use of these for this purpose highly questionable. In principle, it should work, yes!
Well, I’m not in possession of one or more horses, would there be another way to find out the ps?
There are power meters, then you can calculate the power. But there’s no such device. They might have a TÜV.
Okay, thanks anyway.
Yeah, sure, I think he’s…
Then you don’t mean it.
In addition, at least a reasonable answer would have been nice. The TE will believe you.
Pass brake!
It doesn’t work in this way. Performance is not equal to tensile force and tensile force is what you compare.
The power is determined via a roller test stand (if you do not want to expand the engine and check it individually)