Wie kann ich ESign (App aus dem Internet) herunterladen ohne dass diese Nachricht kommt?
„Diese App kann nicht installiert werden, da ihre Integrität nicht verifiziert werden konnte“
Dieser Text erschien auf meinem IPhone nachdem ich versucht habe ESign herunterzuladen
What you are trying to do is not the new sideloading feature that is now possible, which has been here for many years, but is only intended for companies and developers so that they can test their own apps.
Such apps need a certificate, this will be retrieved by Apple when it is abused. Abuse would be to distribute an app for normal users. You can’t install the app.
The real sideloading that has been working differently for a few months, and each app is checked by Apple beforehand. Downloading free as with Android is not an approach.
How does the new slideloading work?
where the internet found that? Only apps from the Appstore or Playstore are usually accepted
You can now also download apps from unified manufacturers
Your identity could not be identified.
How can I identify myself?
I don’t know that unfortunately, see if you have a google play account
Uups, this is not about identity, but the safety of the product that has not been recognized.