Wie kann ich es sicher nutzen?

Ich möchte mich da mal informieren wie man crystal meth sicher konsumieren kann. Ich habe gelesen wenn man es zieht kann man keine überdosis erleiden nur wenn man so heftig ist und es sich spritzt. Ich bin nocht scharf drauf das immer zu konsumieren weil ich habe da auch ein bisschen schiss da es bei dauerkonsum zu herzkreislaufproblemen führen kann und das Hirn extrem schädigt. Das möchte ich natürlich vermeiden. In welchen Zeitraum ist es den okey wenn man pause macht? Ich mag das extrem dieses “anders” denken und dieses wohle Gefühl und diese entspanntheit. Wie kann man es den sicher nutzen? Ich mein ich bin kettenraucher aber wenn ich das konsumiere rauche ich so gut wie garnicht mehr. Ich kann einfsch beruhigt nachdenken über alles ohne stress im kopf oder irgendwelche lästigen gedanken. Deswegen: gibt’s es eine Methode die man nutzen kann die jetzt nicht so schädlich ist wie kettenrauchen bzw. Viel weniger schädlich?

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1 year ago


For me, it sounds like if you don’t want to try it out, but are already addicted, but don’t notice it yet.

Looking for a way not to have to miss out on the drug without damaging its body is a typical sign that the addiction goes off.

So if you’ve tried Crystal, stop it now. This could be your last chance without it becoming a torment.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

“Sure consumption” rather not. It is possible to consume risk-reducing by stricting the Safer use hold. Even then, however, risks are associated with consumption. They can never be completely excluded.

It’s also total bullshit that you can’t overdose if you just pull. An overdose doesn’t have to end deadly. Such a is already achieved when the effects are more pronounced than pointed. This applies not only to the undesirable side effects, but also to the desired effects.

Especially when pulling, the health of the nose is also affected. It is not designed for this mechanical and chemical stress (cf. Safer sniffing).

Replacement of smoking with methamphetamine sounds like “producing the devil with the Belzebub.” I think this idea is absurd and high-risk. If you’re primarily concerned with quitting smoking, you’d rather use a doctor.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Anonym1256499

This is probably called addiction, which in this case would really not be better. Have you ever been to a consultancy office? There are also nearby: https://mindzone.info/beratung/

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Anonym1256499

Sounds like Crystal’s the next dependency on you. The risk is generally high with this substance and seems to be particularly pronounced with you. I strongly advise on consumption.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Promise this with a doctor. That’s all I have to say.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

ADHS (if available) and your specialty are two different topics that I think you should address separately. People without ADHD also develop dependencies.


aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You should let it be medically cleared. Speculation under lay people can also go next.

1 year ago

Surely you can’t use it.

Sure it’s just when you leave it.

1 year ago

You’re about to make a deadly addiction beautiful and harmless! Talk to addicts how hard life is and how hard it is to get away from addiction. You’d ruin your life!

It never remains “just try”! Just leave it!