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3 months ago

First of all, we’re talking about water, quiet or sprout,
not of aromatic water or even lemonade, but of bare water…

The need for water varies depending on different factors:

  • Depending on age, the body of a youth and adult needs between 30 and 40 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day.
  • As a rule for healthy adults: about one ml of water per a kcal and per day. At 2,500 kcal, the yields 2.5 liters in adults per day.

Clear text: between 2.5 and 3 liters you should drink, but you hardly make one …

Water poisoning (intoxication) is very rare, but may occur when the excretion capability of the kidneys is overwhelmed. A possible consequence would be the formation of a brain edema.
The maximum amount of liquid that an adult can absorb for a longer term per day is approximately ten liters.
In order to suffer water poisoning, an adult (about 70 kg) would have to drink six liters of water within a short time (about one hour).

So much for the medical aspect. So if you drink 3 to 4 liters of water over the day, this is still within the framework of the natural…

However, if you still feel insatiable thirst in the crowd, the way to the doctor or diabeologist might be the right decision…

3 months ago

Drink one to two (1.5 l or 500ml + 1 l) bottles of water every day and let it be more to drink. However, it should be borne in mind that in the summer or by effort like sports you could need more water as indicated above. But also depends on whether you are younger or not. The need can also be lower, so if you are older.

3 months ago

Too much is hard.

The point where it is harmful to health should be very high.

Casual side appearance: excretion through toilet passages or through the skin sweat.

3 months ago

Hello Michi

I’m Mira, working with Volvic as a nutritionist and can help you.

If you want to control your drinking quantity, I recommend looking at your routines once:

Do you ever drink a large amount of water? If so, then consciously drink smaller quantities. Are the drinking intervals too short – larger intervals. It’s best to write when you drink water. Look, here is the drinking diary of the information center mineral water for free

In any case, I advise you to drink evenly over the day. In the morning, in the evening.

Good success

3 months ago

I don’t know how to pamper the water. But eat some fruit and vegetables in between to keep the mineral balance stable.