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kami1a, UserMod Light
5 months ago

I already have many positive feedback. The problem is almost always over the head.

Think in sleep about a positive story. You are a hero, a special athlete, superstar, or model, who traveled for you important people or the whole of humanity. You’re unbeatable, 100 opponents? You will thus rehearse and fall asleep over your head positively (that is important!).

Once this works, it always works and the problem is permanently gone. I wish you all the best.

5 months ago


Can just fall asleep myself but it usually helps me read something or that sounds funny but if you lie in bed once or several times try to tighten all muscles and then let go, then you’re much more relaxed somehow. Or nh sleep mask so over the eyes also helps because this light pressure makes a tired…

5 months ago

Good morning

I know two techniques for better sleep.

1. Make everything bother and lie down comfortably and then focus only on your breathing without changing the breathing. Feel like the air goes in and out as your chest and belly move up and down. Try this for at least ten minutes.

Two. Whatever works well, do everything and sit down comfortably and count with the inner voice two to three times from 1-300.

Both techniques naturally make with closed eyes.

Best regards

5 months ago

Hey, you could try it by listening to a play, which is also quite well worked out are dream trips or meditations. Maybe you also have a little night light what you can do and maybe you also have cuddly animals with which you can then cuddle in most cases a lot of security and security.

Hope this helps you a little.:)

5 months ago

Drink tea, read a book, dam light and phone out.

5 months ago

Try meditation with binaural beats

5 months ago
Reply to  bakugo4me

So meditation in itself is that focus on simple things like zb your breathing, there are various breathing methods that make different goals possible and binaural beats are toene your brain into a certain stage

5 months ago

Counting small pieces.