Wie kann ich einen rauchen ohne herzrasen zu bekommen?
Hallo ich rauch schon seit 2 jahren jeden tag ich habe vor 1 Monat aufgehört damit und gestern mal wieder einen geraucht aber ich kann nicht mehr weil ich bekomm immer wieder so Herzrasen wisst ihr vielleicht woran das liegt?
Herzrasen is a typical side effect of cannabis, in particular associated with the active substance THC. If you use tobacco, this can lead to additional or intensified symptoms.
Against side effects, it is most likely to help reduce the dose. If these undesirable effects occur even in the smallest quantities, it may be simply a sign that one should for the time being dispense with consumption.
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can also be found here:
I heard about nem buddy that when the body has taken too much and it is no longer used to panic and so the pulse and everything rises
That’s right. “Too much” you can always catch, but this happens later, the higher the tolerance to the ingredients. If you get into it, it’s a very unpleasant experience.
This isn’t supposed to mean that you smoke a tolerance again. I would leave it with “less” instead of “more”.
If you already get heart turf, it should be more than a reason to stop!
Just stop smoking. You held a month? Then you can do it again. By the way, a smoker lives on average 13-14 years less than a non-smoking. Maybe that should be the motivation.
Your body is very against the poison. You don’t need more characters to leave it right away
Stop smoking, or get used to the turf.
So I’d ask a doctor about the heartache.
And if your body tells you smoking is not good, you should let it be
I was at the doctor my rest pulse is at 50 that fits all but as soon as I catch a smoke my heart after 2 trains already
Let’s put your brains in. What does your body signal to you? Let the ciffing be good. Is that so difficult to understand????
Was also already thinking it easy to leave but finds pity
Why did you start again?
Smoking is very difficult to get rid of. You did it and started it again? Why?
By taking betablockers:They reduce the heart rate increase caused by THC.
And don’t take caffeine to you, which should be clear
is it going without beta blocker?
Note: It is urgent to be discouraged from the autonomous use of beta blockers! It has a reason that all of them are subject to prescription.
Clearly gives different substances that reduce heart rate but from mixed consumption is to be guessed
The problem is that something like this is sometimes perceived as a tip or recommendation. Especially when you do not write about the numerous possible side effects.
There was no hint just the answer to the question
Just wanted to say it. Some tips here are really dangerous.
I wouldn’t take any blockers if I didn’t have to stop
but I hadn’t always had this turf before I could smoke and I was fine