Wie kann ich einen Canon Pixma Drucker am Router anschließen?
In der Bedienungsanleitung kann ich leider nichts über den physischen Anschluß finden. Ich vermute mal, dass ich die Line-Buchse am Drucker mit dem Router verbinden muss. Das mitgelieferte Kabel hat zwei 4polige Westernstecker, das ich am Drucker anschließen kann, jedoch nicht am Router mit einer 8poligen Western-Buchse. Brauche ich jetzt einen Adapter am Router?
Try this out: https://www.canon.de/support/consumer_products/pixma_printer_wireless_connection_setup/
The printers have the right cable that is required for a fax printer on the router. Your router has no matching AS is curious.
It should be connected just like a phone. Is mine and make faxing🤣 fun side, works
If that’s not the case with you, take a photo from the back of the router, but don’t necessarily return because the BD use.
Or keep the exact name of the router.
I’m tired of the fax cable going straight to the TAE, not to the router. It looks great.
I can’t insert a picture.
Of course, that goes, 3 points on the right. Edit question.
But the FB 7490 has 3 line in RJ45
DSL/Phone1/Phone 2 Where the printer would be connected. However, printers are no longer cabled to the router, but to be able to use access via various terminals via wireless connections.
Therefore, I also type that you mean the fax connection,
Use the USB printer cable in the package and connect it to the back of the housing (Pos. 6).
Thanks for the hint. I could solve the problem a few days ago via WiFi.
Which Pixma is that – the one with fax connection? Then the LINE cable with the matching adapter can be connected to the analog output of the router – so the one has. The Fritzbvox has TAE socket(s), model-dependent one or two. The connection must then be explicitly defined in Routermenu as an analog connection for fax.
TR7650. My previous printer MX925 could also be connected to the router’s Western jack.
You don’t write what router you have. For example, the FB has no Western plug as an analog output, only TAE. The cable you mean is only suitable for the fax connection. You need to bring the printer to the local network either by WLAN or by USB to the router.
A printer can be connected to the 7490 via USB and provided in the local network. SIehe:
What do you want with the printer on the router? You need a print program to use the print menu. This is only on the PC, laptop, possibly tablet. Otherwise some go to bluetooth
However, you can set up the printer as a network printer and then use w-lan.
Because another user wants to print. I don’t want WPS. I could also connect my previous printer to the router.