Wie kann ich eine Schreibblockade überwinden, welche allerdings nur tagsüber besteht?

Zur Zeit schreibe ich dann eben zwischen 22 und 01 Uhr an dem Buch, aber sobald die Schule wieder los geht, geht dass dann halt nicht mehr und da muss ich das halt tagsüber hinbekommen.

Gerade geht es auch ab und zu mal tagsüber, aber dann nur, wenn mich wirklich nichts ablenkt und ich mir sage: Okay, du schreibst jetzt mindestens 100 Wörter und erst dann kannst du Mittagessen. Dann geht das auch erstaunlich gut, aber jetzt so normal irgendwie nicht.

Was auch noch ein Nachteil daran ist, ist, dass ich Nachts viel mehr Tippfehler mache, weshalb ich mir alles doppelt und dreifach durchlesen muss.

Also wie kann ich irgendwie es schaffen auch tagsüber zu schreiben? Hat da jemand eine Idee oder ein ähnliches Problem gehabt?

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1 year ago

Writing at night can be more creative than during the day as you are less distracted and can devote yourself to writing. Rest and repentance are essential for a successful creative writing process. Therefore, I recommend that you take an undisturbed time to write during the day. In addition, it can be helpful to listen to the inspiration of quiet music that relaxes, as well as to read something that enthuses you to get more easily into the creative writing flow. Besides, you should not stop talking too soon, but first write down all your thoughts that come to your mind. Corrections can still be made later.

1 year ago

I initially think you have to force yourself moderately until a certain routine prevails.

But I can’t help you, it’s just an idea. Maybe you’re afraid to miss something the day you write. Or it’s because you have time in the evening because no person wants something from you and you don’t have this certainty during the day.
Take half an hour every day in which you write.

11 months ago

This is a bit complicated, because it’s essentially about having your main focus at a time you don’t like. I know this relatively well because I am also someone who is more productive in the evening or at night.

But, as I said, it’s not a proper record block… you just have to change your daily routine, and it’s just theoretically best because you’re getting used to something.
I’ve been doing this lately, so I’ve been squeezing a 3 hour walk in my daily routine. This helped me break a bit with what else I do and therefore significantly change my daily routine. Of course, that can be something completely different

Grade when the school starts again you have a slight change in the daily routine anyway, you can use it as a starting point to reorganize your day as a whole.

Then you have to find a new ‘niche’ for creative writing, but you can do that for yourself 🙂

What’s important is that you’re breaking this daily routine… then it should work well with the inspiration. Because, as I said, this isn’t the way my experience goes towards writing blockade.

All love and success 🙂

11 months ago

In the evening / at night you are simply more creative and have better ideas. You should not try to force ideas or words. Take a little bit off the story in the morning, sometimes ideas, in the afternoon you deal with the story, read it through, think about it… Then you’re back in and can write (hopefully) better.

1 year ago

What helps me with spelling types is not writing. Just play through the story in his head and write notes. If I sit back then I only have to write out the notes.

If it’s a long-lasting thing, then usually because I’m stressed and I can’t concentrate. In the evening, I’ll rest and write again.
What helps to write in another place. Zb. Nen Café or Book Hall.
You can buy a keyboard for your phone or take the laptop.
And whoever you don’t want to be distracted, you read the Hady at home and take pen and paper with you. In fact, writing also helps immensely to become creative.