Wie kann ich eine private Webseite erstellen?
und zwar bräuchte ich so etwas, wie eine online Webseite.
Aber ich suche eine, wo nicht jeder rein kann! Also nur für Freunde und Familie gut gesagt.
Gibt es etwas, wo man nur mit Passwort oder Link reinkommt?
Of course, I suppose you don’t know about programming and will therefore use a CMS (e.g. WIX)
With the CMS you can create a login system, then only everyone comes with a nem account on it, or you can keep the website via passwords (also goes very easily with the CMS)
Important: Edit the “robots.txt” so that your website is not found on Google, Bing etc. How you can do this will definitely answer ChatGTP (where you can adjust it is different from any provider)
You can make it easy. On Facebook you can also create pages and let the people you want in.
I don’t have a Facebook and don’t want any 😅
If you want to set up this yourself, you need the appropriate knowledge. This includes the selective admission of visitors. It is possible to use various methods which are not too expensive.
But the pre-knowledge is also decisive. As you do, you can quickly find out through search engines. It’s not a witchcraft, it’s a standard.
should be possible at most.
or you take a user-based wordpress
but you could also simply reduce traffic to an IP only
with dynamic IPs rather heavy :-).