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8 months ago

start looking, just go straight 2 weeks through and start smoking. Maybe something better if you find it bad.

8 months ago

By taking your time. Live your life and try not to think too much about the person. If possible they block on social media, then you will see less of the person and take off with hobbies or friends.

Believe me at some point, she won’t be so present in your head and heart.

But you’ll forget people you love, I never think. Maybe just have less presence in the moon, but forget difficult

8 months ago

Find someone new.

8 months ago

You deserve better than that, so distract yourself, get out, get out of your head. She doesn’t want anything from you, you can’t change anything or influence anything, try to make it clear. Do something that makes you happy and at best takes you long.

8 months ago

This will take a longer time. depends on how sensitive it can take years.

Best .. from the eyes out of the mind. it’s never worth looking after someone you don’t want.