Wie kann ich eine Nulldiät machen?
Lebe noch bei meinen eltern und die erlauben es nicht…
würde mir aber gut tun brauche bitte tipps
Lebe noch bei meinen eltern und die erlauben es nicht…
würde mir aber gut tun brauche bitte tipps
Ich finde es unglaublich verstörend, dass im Internet ständig Sachen steht wie: “Um einen Schokokeks zu verbrennen, musst du 30 Minuten laufen” oder so. Ich verstehe es so: Um einen lächerliches Keks zu geniessen, sollte das Kind diese Tortur leiden lassen?? Etwas was nicht mal alle Erwachsenen freiwillig tun? Meine kleine Schwester isst täglich ständig…
Liebe Community, wie lagert man den Schinken am besten, der auf dem Foto zu sehen ist? Wie lange ist er haltbar, nachdem er aus der Vakuumverpackung genommen wurde, und was sollte man beachten? Außerdem frage ich mich, ob es empfehlenswert ist, die angeschnittene Seite des Schinkens im Kühlschrank mit einem Küchentuch abzudecken oder ob es…
es geht um die Schneidetechnik.
Wie schlimm ist es?War schon grün hab es nicht gesehen:/
In Hinsicht auf die Gesundheit und daraus folgend auch auf die Leistungsfähigkeit (zumindest körperlich)
If the parents don’t allow it then surely with good reason.
Apart from drinking this, especially when temperatures are rising, it is incredibly important.
I’m starting to figure out what you’re talking about and you’re a minor.
In this case, please use the KinderBMI to determine whether there is a need. Please note that the BMI can be next to it if you are, for example, very muscular or lack your arm, leg or something.
The computer is running from Otto Normal. Not from motor sportsmen or the like
If the BMI is not close to or noticeably overweight, there is no reason to want to lose weight at all. Then, if necessary, would be sports, i.e. muscle build-up, and thus forms the better way if you bother.
If you are overweight is a moderate deficit of healthy, better to keep and with lower risk for Yoyo effects.
It’s close to the overweight.
Then moderate and if you are normal to change shapes.
It doesn’t have to be the zero diet.
Go on the problem slowly and reduce your meals. This method is safer and healthier.
You don’t do a favor with the zero version. Loss simply takes his time and cannot be enforced with “rejection” by any means.
But with zero diets it is necessary to take off faster
and then double as fast back and more, But if you want to get partout thick, then do it.
Not at all. More unhealthy it is no longer at all, and there is absolutely nothing to lose. Therefore, I find it very good that your parents forbid you and pay attention to your health. Even if you were adult and adult, a zero diet would not be recommended. Apart from you, of course, you want to harm your body sustainably and end up in a eating disorder if you don’t have it long ago and want to make a zero diet for this reason. Then you definitely belong in therapy
Zero is absolutely not good for you. Leave candy, fast food and sweet drinks away and eat a lot of whole grain products and protein. Don’t worry, you’re taking off.
But with zero diet you could better lose weight
Let it stay. Instead, you can do more sports and eat healthy things. This is not as life-threatening as a zero diet, as your body still gets all the important nutrients. You’re still taking off.
Zero diet is not good for anyone. Listen to your parents.
My parents are adipous to tell me in nutrition and so nix
In that case, they’re just right. Easy.
Stop asking the same again and again.
You have normal weight and don’t have to lose weight and don’t even make a zero diet – just sick.
You should be admitted if you did.
Chill times I don’t ask each time the same
But it always has to do with decreasing or increasing and that is the same for me.
Then just don’t look at my profile problem solved
Zero diet is nix, you’ll get it all twice afterwards.
Serve healthy: morning cereals, fresh vegetables cooked at lunchtime, salad at night.
No sweets or sweet drinks. Just water.
From other questions from You:
I can fucking understand your parents.
You, young woman, should definitely realize that you are underweight with a BMI of 16.6.
Hm, this is a BMI of 22.
That’s more perfect.
I have all the information from their previous questions. And you see on her comment that there’s something in the argen.
No that’s almost overweight
Okay. With the goal, you should look for help!
Yes 16.6 is my goal I have not yet
I doubt that she has a distorted self-perception and need help, but “156 tall and weighing 53.6” is a BMI of 22 and not of 16.6
Don’t eat.
It’s nonsense.