Wie kann ich eine Fluggesellschaft oder Reederei gründen?
Es ist ja ein wertvolles Geschäft und manche Leute sind reich geworden, wie z. B. Michael O’Leary.
ich habe selbst einen vierstelligen Betrag auf dem Konto und einige Aktien von Lufthansa. Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es für mich?
Write a business model. Consider how the market will develop after this, that and the x-th study. Define your market gap and target audience. How big and solvent your target group is. Calculate all costs incurred for the construction of the company and the first years of operation. Calculate the profits incurred in the first years and what is possible in the further future. Rectify how long it takes until you can wear the regular monthly rates and get the top of it.
Of course, since no one leads to a piece of paper from several hundred pages with a few thousand numbers at the first business date, a summary will be produced that can convince an investor.
Then look for investors. This can be private people, but also corporations or banks. Convince them with your combined business model that it is worth looking at the large piece of paper. This should show that it is worth investing a few hundred million euros in your business model.
If you have corresponding investment commitments, you can start and implement your business model.
With steel and coal, people have also become rich. Today, they’re more pipe crepeers. But no matter how:
The first question is: What is your motivation? You should be aware of that.
The second sample is: Where there is a problem in logistics that calls for a solution. If you have this problem, build a solution that is worth a lot of money. If customers spend a lot of money on it, you can’t do anything other than building a large company.
For example, what are problems that call for solutions?
So you should find problems. Then you can try to build solutions for it.
A four-digit amount is a maximum of 9999 euros. And you seriously believe that you could start an airline?
You must suffer from a disorder of perception.
Bastel a dragon, then you have an airline.
That’s why my question. Then how did Mr O’Leary do it?
To do this, you need to be ruthless and enough lenders. Ask your bank for loans. Sorry, Buddy, you can just shake your head. Even under the optimal conditions of 2019, airlines were not cash cows. Marginal profit margins. You are not even properly informed about opportunities and risks.
You have to ask Mr O’leary.
no, what will start with max. 9999€; you can’t afford a ship or a plane.
Yes, a plane folded out of paper.
Hui, nearly 10,000 EUR are safe for a great airline. Ironie off. Would you like to make a BWL study or already realize that you have megalomaniac fantasies.
By the way: Airline and shipping companies now and probably still years in the future make millions of losses.
A good opportunity to strike. In shopping, the profit lies, but only 10,000 € are a little short.