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2 years ago

Make the story first.
In the initial version, a slow, explaining entry for the writer can be very helpful for the first time in order to get into the narrative.

When revising, for the second manuscript version, one can then consider how to draw the reader into the conflict of history best, so that the reader can identify with the protagonists from the outset.

2 years ago
Reply to  SkyDaffodil

I would finish first. Often the story develops differently when writing than you thought.
If the end is written and the conflicts and character development have been experienced with the protagonists, then the character can be represented even better in the second passage.

If you come to the beginning in between exciting incidents, then of course you should write up your incidents immediately and revise the scenes immediately. But if the ideas for more tension are still missing, don’t bite at the beginning of the book, but just keep going.

2 years ago

With an exciting and opaque prol at the beginning

2 years ago

Start writing first. My tip: First write to existing things and publish them. Most easy on or another program. there you can write tips for general. And with the experience it gets better so you can build a voltage curve yourself