Wie kann ich diesen Flug heute von Hamburg sehen?


Bin heute zufällig in Hamburg und würde gerne einmal den Start einer A380 sehen. Habe diesen Flug ( siehe Bild ) rausgesucht. Nun wäre meine Frage ob hier eventuell ein Experte unter euch ist der mir sagen könnte wie und wo ich mich am besten hinstellen kann um den Start dieses Fluges zu sehen.

Danke im Vorraus

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2 years ago


Like many airports, Hamburg also has one or more viewing terraces from which one can observe the happening.

2 years ago

No, that’s the wind. But cannman predict. Look at weather.de

2 years ago

Today we have winds from south-west, which is why we start south.

For noise protection reasons, in such cases the starting direction to the south-east is largely avoided from the northern railway, because the starting aircraft would then fly directly over the city centre.

It is then used almost exclusively for the southern runway to fly south-west towards Stellingen/Eidelstett. This departure direction at present can be confirmed by flightradar24.

If the wind direction does not change, nothing will change at the start direction. If the wind is to be turned and started to the north, the northern runway is almost always used to fly to the northwest over largely uninhabited area.

Of course, you can use the airport’s viewing platform, where you can observe the role and start of the start very well. At the start direction Southwest on the southern railway, you can also get a position directly at the end of this runway. That’s a good thing. Then the plane would fly directly to you, including overflight, if you moved to the Vogt-Cordes dam.

At the end of the runway there is also a specially designated viewpoint on the Sootbörn road.