Wie kann ich denn A1 Führerschein am einfachsten nach dem B Führerschein erwerben?
Meine Frage wäre, wie ich am kostengünstigsten denn A1 Führerschein erwerben könnte. Denn ich hab mittlerweile schon denn BF 17 gemacht. Muss ich trotzdem das gesamte System durchlaufen? Also Theoriestunden, Praxisstunden und Prüfung 70 min. Vielleicht hab ich da noch andere Optionen. Was lohnt sich mehr jetzt denn A1 zu machen und später ihn zu erweitern auf A2 oder gleich denn A2 zu machen. Denn der A2 ist mein Ziel.
you have to do less theory, so much I remember. of course the moped hour and then still… 6 (?) any theoretical hours. at least at my A.
Class A1 is no longer worth it. From 17.5 years, you can do class A2 better. BF17 does not make it cheaper.
A1 is not worth if you want A2. As far as idch knows, A1 cannot be extended to A2. It would simply be necessary to make new training and examinations.
you are already doing the B, requesting the A2, which may also drive from 18.
you have already submitted the BF17, request for A2, so the theoretical examination should be shortened, and the errors are also less. is feasible.
What about the A1?
By going to the driving school.
The most cost-effective you get the A1 when you wait up to 25 and then expand the B bill.
If you’re moving to the 18 now, it doesn’t make any sense to go to the A1. Then you better get the A2 straight.
Whether there’s anything you can ask right at your driving school after 🙂
The B196 does not replace class A1, that is a misbelief. A1 is a driver’s license class, the B196 is only a key number.
There’s nothing left to you – not in Germany.