Wie kann ich den Tauben helfen?
Ich meine die Vögel. Ist es bei euch in der Stadt auch so, dass die Tauben einfach überfahren werden, ohne vorher anzuhalten, langsamer zu werden oder auszuweichen?
Ich beobachte in meiner Heimatstadt immer wieder, dass die Tauben wie Dreck behandelt werden. An gewissen Orten ist es besonders schlimm, z.B. am Bahnhof. Wenn sie sich auf dem Fahrradweg befinden, weichen viele Fahrradfahrer nicht mal aus. Sie werden auch nicht langsamer. Im Gegenteil, sie rasen weiter auf sie zu, sodass die Tauben meistens nur sehr knapp dem Tod entkommen oder sogar angefahren/überfahren werden. Die Autofahrer sind da meist nicht anders. Manchmal schaffen es die Tauben leider nicht, rechtzeitig wegzufliegen. Ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich schon um sie geweint, um sie gebangt oder den Fahrrad- und Autofahrern etwas hinterhergeschrien habe…
Ich möchte mich an die Stadtverwaltung und an den Bürgermeister wenden. Mein Vorschlag wäre es, 30er Zonen oder Warnschilder (“❗🕊”) vor den gefährlichen Ecken einzuführen. Nur streckenweise, also an den Stellen, wo sich die meisten Tauben befinden und ständig überfahren werden.
1. Wie kann man den Tauben am besten helfen? Habt ihr noch irgendwelche Ideen?
2. An wen könnte ich mich noch wenden (außer Stadtverwaltung und Bürgermeister)?
Danke 🌹
Thank you for your concern for the pigeons. I’m always very sorry. There are so few people to whom the pigeons go to the heart, but unfortunately too many that they hate and persecute without reason. Here with me I have observed such a ruthless behavior of drivers and cyclists very rarely.
Your walk to the city administration was right. I can’t say whether they can be friends with warning signs and 30 zones because of the pigeons. Maybe you can convince them otherwise: In some cities of Germany there are pigeon houses specially set up by the authorities – with good success. There the birds are supplied with animal feed so that they no longer have to eat our waste. So they don’t even get those highly corrosive fries. Besides, they can lay their eggs there. They are then exchanged for gypsum eggs. Thus the population can be insulated and controlled.
No separate dove house was built in my neighboring town. They took the attic of an old empty building to save the city costs. Voluntary care for the pigeons and take care of their layings, so that the city does not cost personnel. Maybe there’s a nature conservation authority in your city that can make the proposal tasty.
As mentioned by others, you can still contact nature conservation associations. They’ll help you.
Thanks a lot
My knowledge is the most important, pigeons not to feed. The population increases, the more fed. If not fed, it reduces.
Perhaps one should remember, the pigeons of former rocky pigeons are made by people to the pet and are kept for food, eggs and mailing pigeons, as well as hobbies.
This means that the pigeons in the cities are animals that, for example, have no longer managed to fly back in a competition or have no longer found their way home. As they originate from the rocky doves, rocks are their natural habitat and thus also our stone houses or statues. From this habitat, we originally pulled them out.
And precisely because they originate from human breeding, the animals always lay eggs at every season with small differences. Whether they have enough to eat or not, a ban on feeding also makes it difficult. Because the number does not help much. But what works is underjugating plaster eggs, best in an applied pigeon strike where you can control the nests. Then the animals automatically become less.
I’m sorry now, but you don’t want to avoid it. You’re just gonna roll around somewhere – I’m talking about experience.
People were already overrun, because anyone said they had to avoid a pet.
Full brakes should not be carried out either. There’s only the backman crawling on it and don’t come over now – he’s guilty. You can then write to the neck claw the next 6 weeks – which will certainly help against the pain. If you woke up 2 years later, because after the HWS in the night you have moved your head unfavorably, you can feel like a hero, especially because you have received 120 euros of pain for getting full cannula into the iron from someone who you cannot understand from the nose. Sorry if I don’t want to see it like that.
It may be that you should try not to drive animals over the heap as far as possible. However, what you want here is, unfortunately, completely far from reality – even dangerous to fire.
And yes, you could help them – by not feeding them in such places or near them. It’s clear that they’re gonna be huge. You lure them there.
If you mean feeding these animals, then at places where they can rest, not necessarily next to a bike path or a road.
I didn’t write about full braking. Of course, it is clear that road traffic should not be endangered. However, if you can see from afar that a pigeon is on the road, you should drive so that it can fly away in time.
I have often observed that the car drivers are locked on them and the pigeons have just escaped to death.
And yes, you’re right. Don’t feed in dangerous places. They also need more pigeon houses.
That’s right.
Jap, come on. In other countries, however, this is even worse, I have observed that in Poland one takes dogs crossing the road alone to the grain….
In these, it would be easier to carry out population control, be it contraceptive or artificial eggs.
In contrast to many other respondents here, I find it admirable that you’re worried about the pigeons. Finally, there are only beings that do not harm anyone.
And the name of “Shadow of the Lies” is also a total bullshit. Clearly, the pigeons can transfer diseases, but that can be exactly the same as any other living being (birds, mice, wild rabbits, even ticks).
Ask NABU what you can do. There you will have an open ear for your concern.
Or google times “Taubenhilfe” and the city name of the city you live in. There is also a contact person.
Good luck!
Thanks for the most reasonable answer here! Pigeons are not wild animals, they need our help and they do not consist of feeds, as apparently many here think, but of pigeon towers for re-sewing, for more animal welfare and population control. Thank you for seeing this.
Thank you. Pigeons are valuable and have feelings.
Thank you for your tips.
Pigeons, the rats of the lies, are you personally more important than human lives?
The fall of a cyclist would be worse for me.
In addition, pigeons can also be conditioned negatively.
It’s like Assis. The more they come to meet, the more they behave wrong.
The fall of a cyclist would be worse for me.
Because as a normal person you also fall when braking.
If you get such a thick pigeon under the wheels, you’ll fly off the wheel very quickly.
We all know that almost always the flight reflex of the animals is higher and all the better when they realize that nobody is braking for them.
By the way, it is prohibited to make a full brake for a small door and to endanger other road users.
You’re more likely to do that with reefs or wild boars.
In the car, yes, if someone is behind you, you can’t slow down and do not escape.
Check out the pigeons in Augsburg. A good system was introduced.
Animal welfare is also an address that can help.
Thank you
I’ve never seen anything like that before. If it’s really as bad as you write, you can only show the person personally (whether what does then, is another question – by the way, drivers are not allowed to evade or brake). That’s all we can do. The majority of people are bothered with pigeons and are always traded in the interest of the majority, the mayor will not listen to you.
Turn to pigeon hunters.
Pigeons in town cost money, nothing else.
But they are just as living creatures as cats and dogs that cost just as much money.
And cats and dogs are just as live creatures as pigs, cattle and chickens. Are we going to keep this going?
Wrong. Dogs and cats generally do not destroy facades and other things like pigeons.
Yeah, it’s confirmed what we’re saying. Vogelkot in the city (especially there) is corrosive due to the diet of birds.
So get away with them.
This has the simple reason that birds do not have a bladder and therefore cannot separate urine. Instead, uric acid is excreted with the faeces.
I contradict: bird’s jersey is corrosive. And, of course.
The human being has brought them to the places u cities as a letter u rats. Is situation 2 eggs at about 6x / year. And who hath bred letters that have to perish themselves or join the city pigeons . Only supervised pigeons help because they have a higher quality of stay .
You mix it pretty well.
This is a matter of opinion again
Yes, in your world. However, since I don’t think I have to bury everything that was in front of me, the pigeons can get me, because they are the pure plague.
It’s about time before people and the pigeons were already there. Before you! So you should show a little respect to the pigeons according to your logic?🤔
Now you turn off. I was on Earth before you too, so show a little respect. If the pigeon goes across, I guess everyone who was before you.
Your argumentation (if you can call it that).
Nothing. The pigeons were before us humans in the world, so we have to deal with it! The people who destroy the earth and not a little bird’s sack
Do you also pay all the refurbishments for which your opinion is responsible?
In my opinion, they could continue to reproduce and remain in the cities. There’s always a solution. The matter of opinion!
You’re right, there are too many pigeons in the cities. But the problem is to reduce the increase animal-friendly. There are possibilities that are too expensive for most cities, however. You probably don’t know that city pigeons aren’t wild animals, but descendants of dust. What are they gonna do to survive?
No, facts are not an opinion, but facts. That’s why she’s called that.
This is a matter of opinion
So that they can multiply and then not eat enough sensible again? (although your statement is not true)
Ne ne, pigeons should be gone from cities.
No, bird’s jersey is always corrosive, as uric acid (white on the faeces) is also excreted to the faeces. These damaged facades and also the paint of cars.
I’ve informed myself about it and that’s just because pigeons don’t get enough to eat, at least nothing right.
Since the majority of people call pigeons as flying rats, I don’t think there’s something to change.
Eat more pigeons (naturally catching and…). Hungering people – that doesn’t have to be! Then there are naturally fewer pigeons soon, and the problems are reduced. 😉
Unfortunately, pigeons are considered to be a plague in the towns because they lick everywhere. I also believe that they are living beings and that is not how they should be treated. I don’t think I’m going to do anything because they see it the same
That’s why you should build more pigeon houses…
Yes, yes
Buy Hearing Aids: Then you hear the approaching cars better…!
Pigeons are vermin, practically the rats of the air.
And they transmit diseases.
Only dead pigeons are good pigeons.
No. Pigeons also have feelings and are valuable. By the way, they are even very intelligent:
This may be, however – perhaps just because of this – they have increased drastically over the last 50 years.
Why are there in all churches, Germans, etc.
Why Georg Kreisler sang more than 30 years ago; Are we going to poison pigeons in the park?
Keep out, pigeons are the rats of the air.