Wie Kann ich Das Zeichen “|” in Einen Discord Text-Channel Name Einfügen?

Ich Würde Sehr Gerne Das Zeichen | In den Text-Kanal-Namen Hinzufügen, Aber Leider Geht das Von Discord Aus Nicht. Ich hatte es schonmal Bei Anderen Servern Gesehen

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2 years ago

Unfortunately, the standard character on the keyboard does not work. But there is a unicode character that looks like “|”. Simply copy it without the quotation marks and then paste it into discord.

2 years ago

Hello FingerKnippler6,

what’s going on when you tap the numbers 124 at the Discord server when the ALT button is pressed in the number block and then release ALT? With normal texts and also here at GF you can create the character |.

Greetings ðŸTM‚

2 years ago

Please, of course very much 👍.

Too bad it was worth a try… unfortunately I can’t further assess whether the character is inadmissible or locked overall and therefore cannot be created or inserted on any way…

Greetings ðŸTM‚