Wie kann ich besser im Programmieren werden?
Ich habe vor kurzen einen Kurs für C# fertig gemacht und würde sagen das ich jetzt so die Basics kann. Allerdings weiß ich jetzt nicht wie ich besser werden kann, da ich noch nicht bereit bin eine eigene App oder so zu entwickeln. Deshalb ist jetzt die Frage, wie ich besser in C# werden kann.
Through exercise. That’s the only way you get better in programming. Just consider a task you can solve with a program – for example the 100. calculate prime number, or solve a sudoku, or write a program that calculates mathematical expressions like “(3*17)^2-5”, or indicates the current dollar euro exchange rate, and so on. There are endless possibilities, and it doesn’t have to be expensive at all. If you are stuck, you can consult Google or ask a question on Reddit (e.g. on r/learncsharp). Of course, you can do other courses/tutorials, so you don’t get real experience.
A good website to practice is exercism.com. This page is suitable for beginners and is completely free. She gives you tasks that you have to solve. The more tasks you have done, the more difficult they become. If you don’t know any more, you can have tips. If you want, you can help yourself with a mentor.
Programming consists of two pages.
First, it’s the programming language. C# is a good choice.
The other and more interesting side are the algorithms. However, their implementation is quite independent of the programming language.
Write a program that calculates a square root. And if it works, give it a negative number as argument ðŸ ̃‚.