Wie kann ich aufhören mich selbst zu bestrafen?

Ich hatte z.b letztens eine 4 in Mathe ich weiß kein Weltuntergang da ich sonst besser bin aber trotzdem habe ich dann wieder mich selbst verletzt nur wegen einer blöden schul Note.Wenn es nicht sv ist bestrafe ich mich oft anders mit kein Essen usw. Ich verstehe nicht warum ich einfach nicht aufhören kann, ich verstehe mich selbst nicht.

kennt ihr irgendeine Alternative?

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4 months ago

If you want to punish yourself, at least in a meaningful way. If you’ve written a bad math work, then a logical ” punishment” (or better consequence) would be that you’ll look at the fabric in the next time and try to get a little better in math.

Self-infringements and self-imposed essences cause nothing positive and do not alter the causes of your problems. Consequences (also imposed on themselves) should always make sense and be related to the matter. In this direction I would think: Where is the real cause (for example for the 4 in math) and what can I change?

If you want to change disturbing points that annoy you yourself, consider (maybe with the help of parents, friends, teachers, etc.) how you can make sense. Perhaps your need for these archaic self-punitions will gradually go back. If it gets worse at some point and sort out into some sort of addiction, I would think about therapeutic help.

4 months ago

In these questions I always answer the same..I always helped the very simple meditation at the time.. Just 20 minutes immediately after getting up thinking nothing. But no longer

Are you trying? It’s amazing!

And if yes, say

4 months ago

Maybe you should try to think of something else or get more variety in everyday life. To balance, a nice hobby is good.