Wie kann ich Apple Car Play im Gold 7 aktivieren?
Ich habe mir vor einigen Tagen einen Golf 7 gekauft.
Ich möchte die Apple Car Play Funktion benutzen, jedoch steht dass ich mich an den Händler wenden soll der mir dann einen Freischaltungscode gibt. Wo bekomme ich sowas, kann man den auch günstig irgendwo erwerben oder kann man das ganze auch irgendwie „umgehen“? Finde es unnötig, obwohl es eingebaut ist nicht nutzen zu können ….
vielen Dank im Voraus
Look, your answer you gave yourself ->jedoch ist that I should contact the dealer who then gives me an unlocking code. Where do I get that?
Certain features in vehicles are available, but are not ordered when buying new cars and not paid. Ergo, they’re locked.
So you can let them be free against money from the dealer.
Immediately, VW has so-called component protection. Changes are reported to VW, in some cases, to the same extent and illegal things have recently been given directly to the Kripo, which is then on the mat immediately. The programmer can also lose access to the Euro DFT.
Therefore, I would not think about illegal actions, but to your dealer, pay amount X and release the feature.
Between 200 € and 250 €. With an activation key, i.e. a uniquely usable code, “App Connect” from VW is then enabled. The retrofitting of VW App Connect is possible, for example, Golf VII. Depending on the pre-equipment, it can also be cheaper. Depending on what the first buyer had already put together.
ps , retrofitting alternatives such as, for example, a building-like radio from Asia which are generally enabled are also not cheaper. Also costs about 200€ with reprogramming of the component protection.
Because the control units are all married together.