Wie kann ich am besten HTML lernen?
ich bin ein sehr großer Anfänger und habe generell keine Ahnung von Programmieren, usw..
Ich möchte HTML lernen. Kann mir jemand etwas anfängerfreundliches empfehlen? Und wie lange würde es dauern, bis ich HTML lerne? Bitte gebt mir Tipps.
Viele Grüße.
This is best with: https://www.w3schools.com/html/
and examples: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/default_page3.asp
@grtgrt you know pages that are in German
If you are looking for something similar in German, you will find it (not so easy to use) here: https://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/SELFHTML
You never learn (because it makes little sense to learn more than you just need: it would take too much time and use little if you don’t have to constantly apply such knowledge: you forget details that you don’t constantly need, quite quickly).
My English is not as good as what steps would you want me to learn to program
My view: If someone doesn’t learn to read instructions and manuals written in English, he will never be useful programmers. He should leave it right away.
HTML is not programming! To learn HTML, however, I can highly recommend Codecadamy, otherwise books or other online courses are always helpful.
Best with a tutorial like e.g.
Before I answer your question, I have to say that HTML is not a programming language.
For beginners is “https://www.codecademy.com/” good.
To insist that HTML is not a programming language is hair splitting. In fact, every formal language is a programming language – but do not hold a maximum universal.
It is de facto no programming language, what the name already says.