Wie kann ich am besten 2 Monate ohne künstlichen Zucker aushalten?

Ich dachte, ich könnte ja Datteln zum Süßen nehmen. Oder ist das dann letztlich wieder ungesund? Hab ne Challenge, 2 Monate nichts Zuckriges zu essen, nur Fruktose ist erlaubt

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8 months ago

That’s easy. Datteln can be used, but should not eat too many of them (too much fruit sugar is also not healthy). You only have to cook fresh every day and look at the ingredients list.

In addition to very few exceptions in the year, household sugar is free and therefore without added sugar and that for 11 years

8 months ago

I don’t really use dates. I only use them for a single painting (which is extremely rare) and that’s it. If I bake cake, that’s one of the few exceptions in the year where I use real sugar. But then I use it less than the recipe. If I raise this, maybe five times a year, that you make an exception where there are household sugar. And that’s my partner’s birthday, my parents’ birthday, my patenkind, and maybe my birthday.

Otherwise I get very good without occupying household sugar. However, I also really cook fresh daily and place very much myself

8 months ago

Is it easy?

If only fructose is allowed. You can make any cake without sugar and instead make fruits.

8 months ago

Hello JanHatAeFr227, 👋

How can I last 2 months without artificial sugar?

there is no

“artificial sugar”.

Most likely you mean beet sugar

==> household sugar ==> sucrose.

Saccharose consists of

50 % glucose ( grape sugar)


50 % fructose (fruit sugar).

I thought I could take dattels for sweets. Or is that finally unhealthy?

Datteln mostly consists of fructose.

👉 Too much fructose is still

more unhealthy than too much glucose!

Hab ne Challenge, 2 months of eating nothing more than fructose is allowed

Well, you’re gonna be the most stupid challenge.

… because you’re hardly going to lose a food

find only fructose, but no glucose

🤦🏻 ♀️ What sense is this challenge

have you ever? A health

will not, no? No glucose in the form of

to eat one-chain sugar, but still

eating carbohydrates is also quite

without meaning, as from all carbohydrates (except

Ballast substances) in the intestine yes….

👉 Glucose becomes! 😅

LG 🙋🏻

8 months ago

Please, please.

No, sugar is sugar!

7 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Of course, this is an improvement to release free sugar. In addition to sugar, fruit has some healthy substances. No malnutrition.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Yes, of course everyone can read that.

But I’m staying with your medical knowledge as well as your knowledge of sugar, it doesn’t seem far.

8 months ago

Yes, of course everyone can read that. Then everyone can find out you’re telling lies about me.

8 months ago

How so much only from your imagination or imagination

Who wants to read what you wrote.

8 months ago

Yeah, that’s what comes from your imagination or imagination.

8 months ago

Right, you’re not gonna have a doctorate as a type 1 diabetesr.

Then it seems to me that you want to put a type 1 diabetes in a doctor’s title.

8 months ago

Right, as type 1 diabetes

you will not have a doctorate. 😂🤣💦

8 months ago

If you may get to type 1 diabetes, then you’ll be kissing to learn all this

Typ1 diabetes is undoubtedly a strong disability, but no doctorate.

8 months ago

KH become glucose sooner or later. If you may get to type 1 diabetes, then you’ll learn chicks all this, and now please stop annoying me…

8 months ago

In the end, glucose is glucose.

No, because carbohydrates consist of complex sugar chains that take different lengths until they are degraded to glucose. However, the compilation of these carbohydrates is usually quite intuitive in the individual case, so usually no sound knowledge is required. That also explains your assumption that it doesn’t matter. It’s not.

8 months ago

As long as he doesn’t have sugar intolerance, he can eat fruit like he wants.

Sensual and dangerous statement❗️

Sugar is not always the same sugar

Also nonsense, because in the end effect

is glucose ==> glucose!

8 months ago

Sugar is sugar!

Sugar is not always the same as sugar. It also depends on the type of carbohydrates and their composition.

8 months ago

eating fresh fruit, but is also very unhealthy

As long as he doesn’t have sugar intolerance, he can eat fruit like he wants.

8 months ago


… to eat too much fresh fruit, however, is also very unhealthy.


8 months ago


As I said,

Much fructose is still

more unhealthy than much glucose.

keyword 👉 fat liver!!️


8 months ago

It’ll be difficult. Just fructose, how are you gonna do that? You can buy a pack of fructose pure. But fruit and vegetables would not be allowed in this scenario.

8 months ago

Other short-chain sugars.

If this is only an agreement with yourself, you can re-form them. You can allow short-chain sugars from fruit and vegetables. Also natural lactose (as in a natural yoghurt).

When it comes to your health, then you should take dry fruit (dark) only to measure to you and also juices not in larger quantities.

8 months ago

Your project doesn’t sound very healthy. Because what is artificial sugar or what do you understand?

Sugar is natural and occurs practically everywhere in nature. In each plant and in every living organism is sugar. You shouldn’t eat anything anymore. As a result, you will become weak first and can even die from it if you really want such a drastic sugar withdrawal.

8 months ago
Reply to  berndsporrer


No one dies without sugar or KH.

Didn’t hear about Ketose yet, huh?

Apart from that, the FS says nothing about it, 2 months without Carbohydrate to stop!

8 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Didn’t hear about Ketose yet, huh?

So, in principle, a diet is always a health risk, especially if one approaches one thing with so little idea. That is why I have also explained to the questioner that sugar is natural and appears everywhere. You probably didn’t read it right and didn’t get it right. So please read carefully!

And keto diets are very unhealthy anyway.

8 months ago

The name of artificial sugar is by-pass.

I know that, of course, but by-language also means, unfortunately, that it is wrong from a technical point of view. The sugar from carbohydrates does not produce the body itself, much more the carbohydrates are sugar chains that are gradually degraded to glucose. However, this process takes different lengths, depending on the type of carbohydrates and depending on the composition.

8 months ago

OMG …🤦🏻 ♀️🤦🏻 ♀️