Wie kann ich als Jungfrau am besten Zäpfchen einführen?
Also bei mir ist es allgemein schwer etwas einzuführen. Auch Sex mit meinem Freund funktioniert noch nicht, sobald er versucht einzudringen tut es weh. Wenn ich einen Tampon einführe fühlt es sich an wie eine Art ,,Blockade‘‘. Es kommt irgendwie nicht weiter rein als 1 cm. Wie geht man am besten vor?
Put on your back and take a mirror, then you can see the vaginal entrance, by moving your hips you can see how the angle of the vagina changes.
It sounds like your hymen is in the way, but it does not cover the vaginal entrance to 100%, but idR is just around the edge, you should be able to see through the mirror how/where you can introduce it correctly.
You can also use a lubricant
The vagina makes a bend to the back
That’s also the block you feel at the Tampon, it’s not going out any further, it’s going back.
Try different positions: in the hockey, with a leg placed on the toilet bowl, standing, lying, sitting on the toilet etc.
You may introduce a finger beforehand and look like your vagina running away and then take the tampon away.
Stay relaxed as soon as you tighten up your vagina and you won’t come before or back. Try relaxation methods and don’t worry about tampons and supposing. Think: It’s right, it doesn’t work, it’s okay, it doesn’t have to work right now.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
I once read your question list. I think you’re right to help, but I’m not sure what.
Behind it can be a problem that you should best discuss with your doctor. However, it may also be the problem that you do not yet know how to deal with sex (because porn is not showing how to do this so that it would not hurt you) or it can also be a psychological problem.
I’m gonna say hockey or stand like you’re gonna introduce a tampon.
about 45 degrees angle and then simply insert until you no longer feel right. You don’t feel it because there are no more strong nerves inside. It can also not be deeper in it is too tight for it.
Hello, trustfully turn to a female doctor, normally there are cups in the back, you can also take ties, that goes, I would recommend for the beginning.
I mean vaginal cups with lactic acid.
Why are you trying to do that?
Ok, let the doctor show you,
Of course. There are extra lactic acid cures for the vagina. That’s the best you can do for her. I’m just doing it because my female doctor recommended it to me.
but lactic acid doesn’t want to go to the female doctor.
It strengthens the vaginal flora to prevent infections
may take a spasm-releasing medication before
Isn’t there any pots in the forbidden hole?
Vaginal cups
You mean a vaginal cup