Wie kann etwas überholt werden?
Bewegt sich das zu überholende Objekt immer weiter, kann man dieses doch niemals überholen, da mit jeder eigenen Bewegung auch die des anderen Objektes stattfindet und somit ein Grenzwertproblem gegeben ist. Jedoch kann man in der Praxis Objekte überholen. Wie lässt sich das mit den Gesetzen der Mathematik vereinbaren?
Strange implication. Could you explain this in more detail?
You are aware that when two objects move, and one of them is faster than the other, the object is not only approaching the other, but will also overtake it? You can easily mathematically understand this by defining two functions s1(t) and s2(t) that represent the distances traveled as a function of the past time. Both functions are obviously the form mx+b and expediently m>0. If one of the two functions has a larger x-axis section and a lower slope (i.e. the associated object has more projection, but is slower), then the function graphs will necessarily intersect.
It is in no way that the faster object approaches the slower with a constant relative ratio (i.e., for example, 20% less distance per second). You can easily calculate this with an example.
You obviously don’t understand what a limit value is.
are you?
Yes, I do. But I do not think you can do anything about this problem. So again my question:
The problem is just the kind of consideration. Your observation approaches a limit value that the faster vehicle gets the slower, but not the process itself.
With the same right, I could say that a book has never been written, because I always fall asleep reading.
The overtaking is slower than the overtaking. The overhaul naturally takes place more slowly than if the object would stand still, but you can overtake it.
Okay, you didn’t understand the question. Are you familiar with mathematics?
There is no need for mathematics. Logic is enough. Mathematics is the logical science.
You just need enough of your own swing.
Overtaking as such has nothing to do with
Paradox of Achilles and the turtle
You mean Zenon’s paradox with Achilles and the turtle?
The problem of the Achilles and the turtle has long been solved.
You ignore that an infinite series can have a finite sum.
funny question