How is it possible that I don't look like anyone in my family?

Everyone in my family has dark eyes and dark hair. My hair, however, is dark/reddish blonde and I have blue eyes. How is it possible that I don't even resemble my parents?

In the photos you can see my mother and me in comparison

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2 years ago

It even happened that a woman became a mother of a colored child, although both parents were white!

The man separated from his wife because he thought she was unfaithful.

It turned out that actually on his side in the family once was someone who was colored! Then the couple of parents came back together again!

This is not invented by me very quickly, but a true story! Don’t worry about it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Birgitmarion

Genetics happens…

2 years ago

The inheritance of the skin, hair and eye color is very complex and not yet understood to be in detail. This is also due to the fact that these are polygenic features (the feature is influenced not only by one, but by several genes) which are still pleiotropic (i.e. a gene has a plurality of features, i.e. not only on the hair color, but also on the color of the eyes and/or the skin). In addition, a gene often contains not only one or two, but a number of different variants (allele).

Quite generally, alleles are inherited for bright eyes, skin and hair. This means that a person must have the same gene variant on both homologous chromosomes (so that a chromosome pair consisting of the maternally inherited chromosome and its paternally inherited counterpart) so that the feature is formed. If an individual has the same allele on a gene locus on both chromosomes, this is also called homozygotie.

Heterocygote carriers have two different variants of the gene, i.e. on one chromosome, for example, the recessive allele for bright hair and on the other the one for dark hair. This gene copy is sufficient to form sufficiently dark dye (melanine) in the body to darken the hair. The allele for dark hair in this case covers the effect of the recessive allele, it is dominant to the allele for bright hair. The dominant allele is often also abbreviated only with a capital letter, the recessive with the associated small letters, for example A and a.

For individuals who have the recessive phenotype, for example how you are blond, it is clear that they can only be aa from the genotype due to the cleanliness. There are several possibilities in dark hair. They can be either pure-bred (AA) or mischerbig (Aa).

To get blond, you have to inherit a recessive allele from both parents for blond hair. Since your two parents have both brown hair, they must therefore be heterozygous carriers (Aa). If you set up a cross-sectional scheme, the following possible combinations of cygotes (fertilized egg cells), AA, Aa, aA, aa, aa, result for the gametes (sex cells, sperm and egg cells). This means that on average three of four descendants will be dark-haired, or vice versa, the probability that a descendant is blond is 25%. Of course, these are only the theoretically expected values. The real values may deviate due to accidents. This means that it is quite possible that heterozygous parents do not get a blonde child or have more blonde children than would be expected on average.

It is therefore quite possible that you have dark-haired parents, but even are blond. So don’t worry, everything is normal.

2 years ago

External features are inherited in every second generation. Maybe your child sees Grandma or Grandpasimilaras the parents. Rememberno families– Equality, still existsNoReason for concern

1 year ago

What do you learn at school? Okay, basics of genetics.

Each of your parents has two genes for a certain feature, such as hair color. You have two too.

As you can calculate, not all of them were passed on to you, everyone only passes on one of his two.

From your two, one determines what is visible from your plant. The other remains invisible.

When a blonde and a black gene come together, you become visible black because the dark dominant and the bright recessive is.

If your mother had a blonde and a black gene, she becomes visible black.

But chance can have passed on her blonde gene to you and donated one to your father.

Then you have two blondes and become visible blond. Even if your parents were both visible black. Because they both had an invisible blonde gene.

When I was a kid, I was blond. But then it was black – yes it can be. At least I know that I also have to have at least one blonde gene in the pool. Which one child would have is the funny lottery of genetics.

Actually, you learn this in class 7/8 biology. Have you done genderology?

1 year ago
Reply to  Zimtschnecke05

Bizarre. But it won’t surprise me anymore. Well, take this as a trip to science. I’m not even a biologist and I’ve always considered it a general education.

2 years ago

It may be that you see the great-grandparents or great-grandparents similar.

1 year ago

Everything would be possible, even the master of the house would be considered. But this is not a rarity that can beat descendants completely out of the way, because nature has it easily.

2 years ago

Red hair and blue eyes are recessive. This means that the features can skip generations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zimtschnecke05

It is possible that your grandparents were also skipped. Your mother and your father must both have a dominated gene for black/brown hair and brown eyes that you can see from the outside. Both have to have red hair and blue eyes a recessive gene for blue eyes and red hair. How many generations are skipped is coincidence. Do you have siblings and if so how do they look?

2 years ago

And do you have siblings?

1 year ago

The redheads can dominate with their genetic properties against the dark hair. This is not so rare!

2 years ago

Nature is very variable.

2 years ago

Somewhere I read that a very high percentage of all children are cuckoo skiers. If your father has black hair, that would be a good explanation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchssprung

Every mother will deny it. 😂😂😂

2 years ago

Adoption ?

just sayin

2 years ago

Genetics is a

2 years ago

Learn your Mendel