Wie kann es sein das ein Flug so billig ist?
Wie kann es sein und warum ist es so dass es Flüge gibt die 30-50€ kosten
Wie kann es sein und warum ist es so dass es Flüge gibt die 30-50€ kosten
Hi, ich habe vor im Oktober (in den Ferien) nach Japan zu fliegen, auf Skyscanner finde ich Flüge (Hin-und zurück) für rund 1000€. Kriege ich den Flug irgendwo billiger ?Sollte ich den Flug schon jetzt buchen, oder wird dieser möglicherweise billiger oder teurer so länger ich Warte? Lg.
Ich fliege demächst in den Urlaub. Vor allem nach dem kürzlichen Absturz in Brasilien habe ich Angst, dass auch mein Flug einfach vom Himmel fällt. Was kann ich tun?
Hello, we are going on vacation soon and my mom would like to know if it is cheaper to buy cigarettes on the plane, i.e. in the tutti free store, and we are also flying with air berlin.
Hallo, ich wollte wissen ob man mittlerweile War Thunder mit Panzern und Flugzeugen zusammen auf einer Map spielen kann. Also das z.B. mein Freund den Panzer fährt und ich das Flugzeug fliege zusammen auf einer Map. Oder geht das nur mit Panzern und Flugzeugen getrennt? Kann das im Internet nicht wirklich finden :/ Danke
Hallo, Ich saß vorhin auf der Terrasse und habe ein Flugzeug Ähnliches fliegendes Objekt gesehen es war sehr nah am Himmel und ich war so voll”waaaassss” auf jeden Fall war dieses Flugzeug so gräulich Silber und hatte so Grün gelbe Streifen. War vorne nicht spitz sondern runder und hatte ab der Mitte des Flugzeuges 2…
Ich möchte auf jeden Fall oben sitzen. Ich habe mal nachgeschaut und mein Flug nach Singapur geht mit der Lufthansa Boeing 747. Habe auch Business gebucht. Also möglich. Wie kann ich denn dort oben hinterm Piloten sitzen? Es wäre mein größter Wunsch. Das Flugzeug bin ich schon nach Los Angeles geflogen. Deswegen habe ich auch…
Try to book such a flight, but don’t be surprised that you will land at over 100€. This begins with the fact that on these pages it is very difficult to get an overview of, for example, 1 month in which prices are displayed for each day.
Hab flight booked for 50 Euro back 2 hours flight but without suitcase
Well, give up a suitcase. But don’t be surprised.
I don’t need to stay for 50 hours
Ryanair offers tickets for 15€ and is the most profitable airline in Europe? Sounds a little illogical. That’s it. Ryanair, Easy Jet, Eurowings etc. Are so-called LCC’s. This stands for Low Cost Carrier and is called cheap airline in German.
The model The cheap airlines comes from America, the largest airline in the world, Southwest is at the same time the oldest still existing cheap airline in the world.
How this works now?
– Only a single type of aircraft will be flying (e.g. Ryanair will fly only Airbus A320)
– More passengers per aircraft by less seat distance.
-Primary use of regional or small airports. Here are the fees for landing, handling, etc. significantly lower as well, there are shorter rolling paths, so you can get back in the air faster and get more flights.
– Due to the low prices, the flights are usually well-loaded.
-In the price of the flight, only the pure transport is included, duty baggage often costs more than the actual flight!
-No service, or Only against cash at sports prices
– The planes are cleaned by the crew, who is paid as well as unpaid and who is paid in the air only for the time. For example, Ryanair and Easy Jet do not have pockets on the seat back. Why? So that passengers don’t leave garbage and cleaning goes faster.
– Flights are often sold only through their own website, which saves costs.
It has nothing to do with mixing calculation.
Hope that helped you and write me to🫡🤙
Airlines can save many costs by using only one type of aircraft (Ryanair uses only the Boeing 737) or even so that you have to pay extra numbers for everything in the plane. Besides, flying such airlines to airports where it is cheaper to land, which are also further away from the destination and the planes make more flights a day like “normal airlines”. It also plays a role when you book the flight
I hope I could help.
Mixed calculation. Only a very small number of tickets is really sold at this low price.
If many places are still free, cheap tickets for the airline are more lucrative than to fly empty.
The last free places are much more expensive.
Mixed calculation. Prices are dynamic for demand. An airline offering tickets for 30-50 Euro does not sell all routes and not all tickets on a flight for this price.
Because they are “subsidised” by significantly more expensive tickets 😉
You pay €30 in the row behind you, for example €150…
Because they’re kidding you. They’d rather take someone for 50 euros than leave the place empty.
They’ve already taken enough of the others. But you don’t get it anyway.
Are neck cutters
I had such a similar feeling in 2018 or so, I was on assembly with 2 colleagues. The hotel room that was booked was the same as that of my colleagues, but 5 € cheaper. Dynamic prices. this is of course:-D
No matter where it goes… Behind it is too little demand.:)
Better than an empty seat…