Wie kann er meine Anrufe kontrollieren?
Hallo, ich w/17 habe jetzt seit ca 4 Jahren meinen Vater nicht mehr gesehen. Meine Eltern sind getrennt und ich wohne mit meiner Mutter zusammen. Mein Vater hat uns immer gestalkt (verfolgt, fotografiert, ist zu meiner Schule gegangen, beobachtet, etc). Jetzt habe ich heute einen Anruf von meiner Oma (seiner Mutter) bekommen (die beiden sind wieder zerstritten) dass er meine Anrufe kontrollieren kann, also mit wem ich wie lange telefoniere. Sie wusste leider nicht auf welcher app oder sonstiges und ob es “nur” Telefonate betrifft. Jetzt überlege ich natürlich wie er das vllt könnte. Mein Handy hatte ich erst vor einem Jahr bekommen, da konnte er so normal nicht rankommen. Höchstens an meinen Laptop, kann man da irgendwie nach geheimen überwachungsapps gucken? Und wenn ja, wie? Hat jemand Ideen?
(ps: wir haben uns schon Hilfe geholt und sind nicht alleine, und das stalking ist auch schon besser geworden, jedoch macht mir das jetzt doch schon wieder angst, deshalb wäre ich dankbar wenn jemand eine Antwort für mich hätte)
Vielen Dank!
Puh this is already nh number but usually I would say yes he can find out your location at any time by your phone number the eif goes over the Internet and yes there are also pages allowed to say to your question with the call so I can place from experience and that will certainly call with that too.
Step hard and clear towards your father. Show him, ask for the release of the picture material, change your passwords and call the police every time he harasses you. If he doesn’t respect a relationship, you don’t have to do that either.
Then you should urgently reset the phone and change the passwords and email accounts of your Google or Appleaccounts and your provider…
He says that. But can he?
Technically, this goes only with a little greater effort if it does not come to your smartphone or has not yet been approached.
In principle, there are two possibilities:
It is, of course, difficult to give advice here, because everyone is dealing with it differently and is knitted differently. You have to see what’s right for you.
However, I would initially be skeptical if he really can or only claims it. LG
She says he could. Probably because he told her he could.
To exclude this, you should change your fun words from a PC (or any other device, just not from your mobile phone), and then completely reset your mobile phone. Then immediately lock the contact.
If I buy a new phone, would it go? So with changed passwords then also
Runs out to the same. It’s not necessary.
There are only two possibilities. Either he’s got access to your single connection, or he’s smuggled Spyware on your phone…
You should have your phone checked and ask the provider who has access to the data or make it clear that only the holder of the warranty may have access to it.
Lg, Nicki
And how do I do it or where do I have it checked?
That’s a good question. The friendly foreigner in the cell phone shop at the corner KANN will be a starting point. Ask polite. For example, the local electrical market would be a starting point. There you should at least be able to give a hint where you can check the device.
Last but not least: At the manufacturer of the device, use the service. That would mean, however, that you have to do without your device for a few days.
Lg, Nicki
He probably pays your contract and sees the bills.
Or it’s just nciht.
No, my phone contract runs over my mother
looks like he has accessed your email account in the handy and your contract. Thus, on the one hand, he can place you at any time and on the other hand he can also see about the contract with whom you have telephoned for how long.
would therefore be to change and watch the password for the mail, which is also controlled by the alternative email address and your mother changes the password with the contract provider.
The contract’s over my mother. What email address is meant? Google Acc?