Wie kann ein Unternehmer feststellen, ob ein Vertragspartner geschäftsfähig ist?

Moin, angenommen, ich wäre Unternehmer und würde mit einem anderen Unternehmer einen Vertrag schließen wollen. Dieser ist allerdings potenziell minderjährig. Wie könnte ich sicherstellen, dass diese Person geschäftsfähig ist?

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3 months ago

As soon as you enter the contract with another company, it is also valid. Just because it is a company and therefore a legal and not a natural person. You have to convince yourself that the person in this company has the necessary powers to complete this contract. But if there is the person who has registered the trade and operates on their behalf, that is definitely true. And then it doesn’t matter if this person is full or minor.

3 months ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

A natural person can also lead a company = individual entrepreneurs.

3 months ago

Let’s show you the ID. And any other documents such as business registration or tax return. Or Schufa’s self-examination .100 ig, however, you can never see if someone is businessable. Remaining risk always remains.

3 months ago

How could I make sure this person is viable?

Let me show you the business registration. Let the ID show you.
