Wie kann das sein?
Ich schaue gerade Young sheldon und in einer Szene haben sie gefrühstückt. Da kam in mir die Frage auf wieso wir morgens eigentlich nicht richtig nahhaft und geil essen wie Lasagne oder sowas und Abends eine kleine Köstlichkeit wie Rührei mit toast. Was ist eure Meinung dazu? Sollte man das in seinen Alltag integrieren oder doch der norm folgen.
In America, people often eat hot and often hearty things. But don’t think “future” things, because most of them don’t have a lust in the morning. Many say that it is gross or “pervers” to eat zb burger in the morning or similar.
If you want to do that, of course, you can’t do that, and it’s not forbidden either. After drinking, it also happened that I sat there with the pizza from the eve or noodle salad xD I also have to have pleasure.
I think it would be better than in the evening, but you should get up very early and cook. Or eating warmed up.
Of course it is true
No, you shouldn’t. It doesn’t make sense to eat in the morning what you usually eat at lunchtime.
You can eat in your everyday life as you think it is right.
I think you eat what you grow up, in Germany we have our cheese or jam bread, in England there is Baked Beans, in the USA scrambled eggs with bacon, in China soup,… You can eat whatever you want, you’re left. Eat for what you’re hungry!
Thought that scrambled eggs with bacon were more British.
I’m TuS 🤔🤗🤷🏻