Wie kann das Jugendamt reagieren?
Guten Abend, ich brauche euren Rat ! Ich bin jetzt 17 und habe leider schon 3 Suizid versuche hinter mir…ich habe das der Familientherapeutin gebeichtet und sie hat es sofort dem Jugendamt erzählt. (Das Jugendamt hat aber nur mit einem Gespräch mit meinen Eltern drauf reagiert.) nun ist meine Angst, was kann das Jugendamt machen wenn sie von einem weiteren Versuch erfahren ? Bzw was kann die Familietherapeutin machen wenn ich ihr leider von einem weiteren erzähle. Eigentlich erzähle ich ihr sowas nicht aber ich war so verzweifelt das er rausgeplatzt ist…vielleicht war es auch ein Hilferuf. Was kann mir im „schlimmsten“ Fall passieren ? 🙁
The worst thing happened is that you’re being introduced into a child and youth psychiatry and you have to talk there. If you can be credible from suicide, you will be released. Otherwise, you will be recorded stationary.
Oke, but the whole thing goes even if I “play” or ? Against my will they can’t “force” me? In fact, the youth office would have to get to me for the first time… which is difficult because I avoid and block any contact with them.
It is not the duty of the Youth Office to treat you. That’s the job of your parents.
Your therapist shouldn’t just tell the youth office that you have suicide thoughts, unless there’s an AKUTE risk of child welfare…I think that’s awkward. Rather, he should help you change your situation…all a little weird
The whole thing has now led to the fact that I will no longer trust her and tell her NOT more. I feel so alone, I want to talk, but I can’t tell her.
yes, that’s stupid…so what shouldn’t happen…that’s harder to trust
Yes, unfortunately… the YES had already put me in a group of homes, and when I made it clear to them I didn’t stay there they gave us the family therapist!
had you contacted the YES before?
The youth office can do what “it” – so his manager – wants. It can just put the thing on the files or want to introduce you to a home. For the latter, it needs parental approval or a court order.
What is done is only the future experts know. I’m not one of the prophecies that know the future.
For life, you can see best: whoever pays the orchestra, surely what is played. If the youth office pays someone, then always on condition that he also gives them reports. Like that, by the way, almost everyone would ask him to pay.
This is also quite right when you and the parents are Compensation have delivered. In some rare cases this is ignored. Then the therapist would make himself criminal. In 90 percent of the cases of great excitement, however, people have even signed the release and immediately “forgot” or lament it, they would not have known what they have signed.
But you always have to read what to sign. And then it’s bound. Not reading was also your own decision.
In the worst case an instruction in a children and youth psychiatry
I don’t want to! I know best what helps me and that will. Don’t be a clinic. I don’t really like the Youth Office…
Hello dear “Monster”, you mean you know what helps you? What would that be – what should change or stand up to make you feel better? I’d be very interested. Didn’t your therapist ask you this question?
I often tried that! But the youth office is the opinion I can do it alone and should not do it like that. That’s why I stopped talking to someone from the organizations.
You have to make that clear to the family therapist. Because your mother has a (self admitted) bond disorder, your dog has become your replacement bond. You have to understand! Without a dog, you’d starve emotionally.
And a separation from the dog, I don’t stop! The dog is really everything for me. He’s 24/7 with me. But that doesn’t understand
That means the WG they put you in didn’t steal a dog?
No, she didn’t… I think I’d be better if I got my parents. And move into a separate apartment. Since I need my dog… he’s all for me! And being separated from him would be the worst… why would only a separate apartment be in question! According to my knowledge there is no WG in which he could accompany me! And the youth office is making it worse than better.
The Youth Office wants to help you, much of it wants to talk to you first and foremost, to weigh what’s good for you.
You should definitely stay in therapeutic treatment and speak frankly and honestly with the psychologists.
If your therapist feels helpless, she will recommend a therapeutic treatment.
…for a therapist, yes…