Wie kam das eigentlich zustande, daß es gesonderte Ärzte für Zähne gibt?

Und meine Frage ist auch darauf bezogen, die Sensibilität von Zahnärzten in Frage zu stellen, sprich: Zu Allgemeinmedizinerin gehe ich gerne, die sind im Regelfall verständnisvoll und (geben sich) sensibel. Zahnärzte sind, meiner Erfahrung nach, die Rabauken unter den Ärzten. Warum machen die Allgemeinmediziner oder Fachärzte für Chirurgie nicht die Zähne gleich mit?

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3 months ago

So for years I had a really nice training dentist who sedated me with speeches. 😉 If you wanted, he explained what he’s doing. And otherwise, at the next appointment after a year, he knew stories about one you told yourself. And next door, he’s always had to take care of his sister students. His wife worked in the same practice.

It is far too complex, dentistry, one is also half a material scientist, often even the anaesthesia, at least in terms of the many painkillers, etc. Bones and nerves should also have a good idea. Management, practical equipment/technology. And then teeth, probably a complete subject for yourself. You realize I was always very attentive to the dentist. 😉

3 months ago

This has historical reasons. Modern medicine was in its origins an academic discipline that dealt with diseases. Except for this, all medical and craft activities were not worthy of an academic of the time. In addition to surgery, this also concerned dental medicine; the latter were previously acting, barbers or in doubt of the villagesmith. Only later, dentistry became academic. Thus, over time, the different occupational fields of human medicine have formed on the one hand and dental medicine on the other.

3 months ago
Reply to  Epson109

As a rule, we have the trend that classical subjects are divided into specialized courses in order to take account of the increase in knowledge. If the dentistry were to be integrated into the human medicine training (as another specialist) the specialization of the dentists should suffer. So you have to weigh: expertise vs. synergy effects.

3 months ago

Each department has specially trained doctors.

3 months ago
Reply to  Epson109

Because it is impossible for a person to know adequately about each subject and to collect sufficient practical experience.

You could not perform several professions at the same time satisfactorily.

3 months ago


3 months ago

In basic studies, they do not learn to be close enough to become a dentist.

Dentists do not study human medicine.

3 months ago

Because a person cannot learn and apply so much knowledge and there is no reason for it. Most doctors are also not very interested in other areas of expertise, why should they have to exercise it?

3 months ago

Yes and a dentist also learns anatomy, but still can neither operate the brain nor an appendix.

3 months ago

Because you noticed that the hairdresser can’t be so stupid.

Well, here’s an illustration for someone who doesn’t want to believe it.

3 months ago
Reply to  Epson109

Knowing facts is called knowledge.

3 months ago

Do you want the gyn to take the almonds out of you when he’s already at the cave research?

Your car mechanic can also deal with your clogged toilet and cook your 5 courses of dinner right there.

3 months ago
Reply to  Epson109

They are commissioned by ADAC. They’re not car mechanics.

3 months ago

I don’t have to. End communication.

3 months ago

Network. They’re calling an expert. The craftsman. Otherwise you could fix the Sch..ß yourself. Go to sleep, your head is up.

3 months ago

Picture inserted above.