Wie jemanden bei Flugangst beruhigen?
Ich wüsste gern wie ich jemanden beruhigen kann, der Flugangst hat.
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Ich wüsste gern wie ich jemanden beruhigen kann, der Flugangst hat.
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Hallo heute um 12uhr fliege ich mit Ryanair (Boeing 737 Max) und ich habe miese Angst zu fliegen. ich bin früher vor paar Jahren oft geflogen aber hab jetzt immer mehr Angst bekommen. hab viel Serien über Flugzeugabsturz und so geschaut und hab jetzt Angst vor fliegen. ich fliege in 10stunden was soll ich machen?…
Hallo.Ich fliege morgen in Urlaub mit Emirates.Ich habe mir eine Reisetasche gekauft und wollte fragen ob dazu auch die Griffe zählen.Die Tasche entspricht den Maßen von Emirates.Nun frage ich mich ob ich die Hänkel auch dazu rechnen muss.
Und wie viel kostet diese und wie ist der genaue Ablauf?
Hi folks, i recently booked a flight to South America with Opodo, but I have to change planes in Miami. I’m flying with two different airlines, namely Air Berlin and then American Airlines. On the return flight, however, I first fly with LAN and then again with Air Berlin. As I don’t know whether my…
Aircraft gaps are so rare that you always hear about it in the news, even if they happen at the other end of the world.
But a car accident? He might just get into the regional newspaper, and even there must have been at least casualties or there must be very unusual circumstances, e.g. when someone goes by car behind the stairs to the subway, or if a small child sits at the wheel.
But you hear about a plane accident even when someone has not even been hurt. Example: The aircraft had to land due to a technical incident, no one has happened, but it still stands in the newspaper.
Imagine this headline: “Accident at Edeka! Employee (46) damaged another customer’s car when parking (26). A property damage of EUR 650,-. Nothing is known about the cause of the accident.”
Don’t you read, do you? Because it happens every day zig times and no one is interested except the two parties.
Maybe the accident is as good as possible. If the person says, but it was the misfortune… Then say that it was a flight of millions of flights, and it is highly unlikely that this happened.
Chewing gum at start / landing and compensating for pressure. Sometimes it can happen that the plane rises/sinks very quickly.
The best way to book a window is to see what happens.
I can’t tell you more because I love flying. 😀
Do you know the TV series “The A Team”?
Mr.t a.k.a. B.A. also has flight fear… They have a solution to the problem. Simply enter at youtube.
I don’t know