Wie Java Kenntnisse vertiefen?
Ich habe in der Schule und auch mittlerweile im Studium viel mit Java zu tun gehabt und kenne auch die Grundlagen(z.B. bis hin zu Collections, ArrayLists, Interfaces auch schon mit Spring gearbeitet etc.), allerdings weiß ich nicht wirklich, wie ich jetzt weiter Java lernen kann. Klar könnte ich einfach theoretische Videos schauen, allerdings lerne ich dadurch nicht Sie praktisch anwenden zu können. War jemand schonmal in dieser Situation oder kann mir da vielleicht weiterhelfen?
Just as you explicitly list them: If you are not familiar with other OOP concepts (abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphy, inheritance), that would be something you could put directly on your next curriculum.
Two features that still fall into my mind are threading and reflection.
Join us Design and architectural patterns. Directly to this, it would be practical to look for projects that build quietly on typical Java technologies (JavaFX, Swing, Spring, Jakarta EE, Struts, …), into which you can therefore continue to work.
I had a few ideas listed before.
Since it is already more in the direction of actual software development, I would additionally recommend that you have Test Driven Development (TDD) incorporated. Tools such as JUnit, Mockito or AssertJ are quite useful here.
Of course, there are other tools to deal with. Be it the module system of Java, UML, buildtools such as Maven and Gradle, version management software such as Git or database design and management.
By the way, you could also choose a specific topic (e.g. developing Android apps, game development, …) and deepen yourself in it.
Programming skills are mainly used in practical projects with other developers. less buffalo with theory.
This is essential in many ways:
Learning is best done by programming yourself. So look for a project and kill it. You can always google with questions and find helpful answers.
Find out some cool project that interests you, and just google any question you are unsafe 😀