Wie ist reiten sport?
Ich möchte niemanden beleidigen mit diesem post!!
Ich finde reiten ist Sport, es ist bestimmt anstrengend, aber ich verstehe nicht in wiefern man sport macht.
Drückt man sich hoch? Ist es gsnzkörper sport?
Ich möchte niemanden beleidigen mit diesem post!!
Ich finde reiten ist Sport, es ist bestimmt anstrengend, aber ich verstehe nicht in wiefern man sport macht.
Drückt man sich hoch? Ist es gsnzkörper sport?
Hallo, ich habe mein Pferd nun seit ein paar Monaten und bald steht seine erste Zahnbehandlung an (Routine Untersuchung) da ich minderjährig bin und meine Eltern die offiziellen Besitzer sind wollte ich fragen wie man das dann bezahlt? Bar? Bekommt man irgendwann eine Rechnung zugeschickt? (Meine Eltern wären bei der Behandlung nicht dabei deswegen müssts…
Hey Leute. Ich stehe im Moment in einer sehr blöden Situation. Mein Welsh D Hengst wird im Mai 1 Jahr alt, ist momentan bereits 1,38m. Die Stallbesitzerin möchte nun das alle Fohlen kastriert werden um die Herde wieder zusammen zu führen. Ich habe allerdings Angst vor den Folgen und würde gerne wissen wie sich Fohlen…
Ich habe einen 5 jährigen Oldenburger Wallach er ist momentan 164cm groß, es werden aber noch ein paar Zentimeter kommen. Im Umgang ist er brav und ist leider ein Kopper, er hatte aber noch nie eine Kolik. Sonst ist er kerngesund. Er hat eine Top Abstammung und tolle Gangarten. Er ist jetzt auf E- Anfang…
Der Linke Steigbügel fühlt sich kürzer an als der Rechte. Wenn ich reite fühlt es sich also ungleichmäßig an. Andere meinen aber das die Steigbügel von der Länge her gleich aussehen. Das ist auch erst seit kurzem so das es sich so anfühlt woran könnte das liegen?
Beim Galopp in der Freiarbeit bläst mein Pferd die Nüstern auf, ist total unentspannt. Schritt , Trab kein Problem, da ist er entspannt. Was machen? 🙁
No, you don’t press up (except to get on the horse at first).
But, one is constantly busy keeping in balance on the horse moving in different gears by means of its own basic body tension.
If that’s not a “sport”, I don’t know what…
And that’s just the beginning of riding… actually you don’t just want to sit on it with you, but you can also arrange the horse for certain actions, and so it’s getting more strenuous, especially for concentration.
Yes riding is a sport, you train the whole body with it.
I’m shocking at the PC racing games, and I’m even sweating as a trained motor sportsman. It’s less exhausting than riding. Of course, any sport can be made less strenuous, but the performance is not achieved. In Dirt Rally 2.0 in Poland on the Jagodno route with the H2 FWD class, I hold the world record by 1.175s in rain. (shown is the 2nd place, but the first one has not remained on the track at several places) (with one point cutting I lack 1.6s and he has cut 3 places) At the level this is definitely sports.
Then why shouldn’t it ride, what is much more strenuous?
I would also like to add that sport according to definition does not always have to be physically exhausting, but it is definitely.
Horseback riding is actually quite intense.
In addition to the psycho factor that we sit on several hundred kilos with a pronounced escape instinct, the whole body comes to work.
From the toe tips, which have to be turned in the direction of horse, to the heels as deepest point, the attached leg, which must be stable but not too tight, the hip, the freely oscillating force must transmit, the straight back, the posture of the chest, the shoulders, arms, etc.
At the right moment tension, then again relaxation, permeability, control, viewing direction, breathing.
I don’t sign the toe tip. This only cramps the leg muscles, so they are not ready for use for fine help. If the saddle fits horse and rider, the foot tip should point forward as soon as the leg comfortably hangs down from the hip on the horse hull.
The toes make sport by serving the bale as a control of bales easily = iron relieves, for example, for raising up to double-sided full bale kick at the moment in which the whole parade leads to holding.
Maybe it’s a bit lazy of me, actually sitting in the office… It is meant that the foot does not hang outward uncontrolled, since a straight direction or a “turning” provides tension in the muscle and thus stabilizes the posture.
When a riding instructor “dirigates” the foot tips, he disqualified directly with me because he always brings a tension into the leg that you cannot need. If he puts the beginner right on the horse and accompanies well, they find themselves where they belong. When he talks about foot tips more inwards or whatever, with these few words, he immediately fixes the beginner in the hip and his subconscious stores off “so must be riding” and it is really difficult to get it out again. Better teach as correcting around a body part.
With very many beginners, the toes show perpendicularly away from the horse. According to riding theory, the toes should show LEICHT to the outside where they usually land when they try to “inward” the new rider.
However, an anomaly should not be described as a normal case.
It is anatomically possible for not all people.
However, if the leg is only attached to the hull of the horse NO tension and if the saddle fits, it does not hang “uncontrolled to the outside”. I speak of the perfectly comfortable leg, even if I should sleep on the horse sitting, so that the foot is in the right direction.
Define “Sport”. Everything you do is counted under sports. So, riding is only sport when you take part in tournaments.
Sport in the sense of “physical revival” is riding when you do something more than let yourself be worn by a good horse like a flour bag from A to B.
Proper riding requires a lot of conditioning, body tension and coordination.
Just as it could be noticed: a jockey who sits on the horse only a few minutes during a race day (he rides at most 3-4 races, at 2-3 minutes each), often weighs over a kilo less than in the morning….
Art when it is sports you do something wrong, riding art.
My riding instructor always says: “As long as it is not easy, it is not good yet.” But let’s be honest: the ambitious leisure rider is driving intensive sport on the horse for years, and continues to do this the predominant part of the riding lesson, to see as a highlight again and again for a few minutes what “riding art” means…
I wrote a definition of sports. As billiards, chess darts also count and I find that funny:
Sport = For what you need more stamina, strength, condition or patience than otherwise. Or so:-)
Those who sat on a horse for the first time felt a ton between the legs 1 day. Muscle cats. Putzen, saddle, ride, barn. Can be exhausting. You get used to it as usual. Doing this all day is about 10J more back and knees broken
Then hunting, running, climbing, collecting the oldest sport. So run fast and that’s what was competition, and so it was as old as humanity. From Pangäa. The best hunter has the best woman (the one with most collection skills and so)
Riding is an art.
With this riding art you train your entire body.
Body tension, balance, balance – and lots of it. A very sporty positive point is also that it is a two-sided sport: for example, during table tennis you usually play with a hand while riding the whole body with muscles and balance.
Riding is therefore an art and a sport. And one of the most difficult I know.
Yeah, ride is sport.
It trains the whole body.
You can easily find out. Sit in the saddle for 1-2 hours.
I bet you won’t get out of bed next morning for muscle cats. 😂
Wouldn’t be fair to the horse, no…
Don’t worry – in practice, no one will come up for this self-examination…😅😂🤣
Do not think muskelkater but villeicht easy to pull, make yourself a lot of sport, kickboxes etc :,)
You wouldn’t be able to move the next few days before muscle cats.
I guess I’ll do it. IdR any teenies that put their friends on the horse, for which is funny, for the horse not.
The horse moves its whole body during walking or racing and the rider must move along or balance the movements of the horse. You also need a lot of strength in the legs, which are still in a rather strange O-shape for people.
One found out that a fast horse of the gallop race with rider was on the move faster than without, despite the additional weight, since the rider perfectly compensated the movements of the horse through his own posture and movements and thus enabled the horse to speed even faster.
Yes ride is sport!
When riding (especially without a saddle), you use quite different muscles, of which you did not know anything.
There are also racing sports – I think it’s first. Or sports boats, horse races. It’s all that shit you’re really wondering where there’s sport.
You think horse race is not a sport? You have never met a jockey xD that are better trained than many, many others.
Joa – they might. Everyone who only bets, not.
Oof, straight horse racing is extremely demanding 😳
Look at them. You have to keep this all the time without scratching yourself and hindering the horse. The race only takes a few minutes, but even that could not be an unsportable person. And, of course, the training takes longer.
I’m not talking about those who do it, but those who just look. Maybe it was a stupid example. I didn’t think so soon. But there are many other so-called sports that are not in my eyes.
So football is not a sport. 22 actors and millions of viewers;-)
Racing is sports as long as you do it right. Even Dart and Billiards are sports.
Sport definition:
“according to certain rules [in competition] from joy of movement and play, exercised for physical recovery “Sport driving”
“Under the term sports, various forms of actuation are summarized, mostly but not exclusively (example chess), related to human physical activities. They often have a game and competition character. Achieving targets is essential.”
“You speak of sport when the physical activity is planned, structured, repetitive and targeted.”
It does not always have to be extremely physically strenuous to be a sport.
Always these prejudices… I’d like to bet without a huge bullrack, no one can successfully drive car races. The racers are also constantly in the gym to be able to cope with the enormous forces that act on them by acceleration and centrifugal force.
Soccer is not a sport, as it is not a sport for those who watch. Do not understand the logic
Oh, okay. Yeah, that was a stupid example. I’ve never heard anyone claiming betting is sport…
Riding is an endurance sport and you need the whole body. Especially in the abdominal area also deep muscles