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Self-centered, helpless, Vage.
Can the self-centered be accompanied by helpless?
This often occurs together, but does not cause each other. I mean, you’re pregnant, the hormones are crazy, your first concern should also apply to you and your child. The thing is that you obviously seek your safety in your husband, but you do not trust completely for reasons not explained in more detail. I don’t know what really happened, and in what form you see exposed to a changing bath, but one thing is fixed…
You float around somewhere in a pool of inviolabilities, and don’t create real clarity. You assume your husband knows what he’s doing – I think you’d probably be surprised if you ask him the question.
I think it’s great that at your age you take responsibility for your son and your daughter soon. I’m sorry you lost a baby. This can burden a relationship and be difficult to process for both mother and father. You have to stick together now, even if there are sometimes challenges. I hope you have a nice pregnancy this time and get a healthy baby. It’s good that you and your husband expect the kids together.
Beautiful writing, very neat,
Scream for love.
Love or help? A way out?
All three
If ever, you’re on the person’s best to help.
What do you mean?
You know who wrote that. Help the person if you can.
You’re not alone. You’re seen by me and others. We respect and accept you as you are. If you’re having trouble with your husband, you can handle it on site.
What moves me is that I want to be left alone and be seen. Respected and accepted. Instead, I am humiliated daily and insulted by my husband.
Good. What’s moving you? How can I help you?
I wrote it myself