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1 year ago

When you’re born like this, it’s “total normal” but if you could hear something, it’s pretty bad.

Taub doesn’t mean you hear nix. but only that one does not understand enough about the ears.

Many disturb the noise, for example, but they don’t all have. That’s why it’s not so easy to answer that precisely because there are too many possibilities.

Just like the question: talking or not? There are pigeons that can and cannot.

Actually, everything like hearing also does, only sometimes differently

1 year ago

I am taubblind, I hear with very strong hearing aids in both ears (from 90-100 dB) and must read from the mouth. I can hear something or hear nothing. Better sign language/tactile sign language is best for me, which must be executed directly 1-1.5 m and slowly in front of my eyes. Social life is very limited and isolated. I’m taking part in deafening/leaf-linden agreements.

1 year ago

It’s like being untaub with the only difference that you don’t hear anything.

1 year ago

Take it easy.