Wie ist es so auf einer Ring-Insel im Pazifik zu leben(Umfrage)?

Wie leben diese Menschen dort? Viel Land gibt es ja nicht und Möglichkeiten…

Denkt ihr das Leben dort ist besser als hier?

Es gibt gefühlt 1 Mio. dieser Inseln und quasi die Hälfe ist bewohnt von irgendwelchen Polynesiern die einst mit ihren Segelboten die Meere erkundet haben.

Würdet ihr freiwillig auf Luxus verzichten um in Polynesien zu leben, dafür glasklares Wasser, immer Fisch und Kokosnuss.

Denkt ihr diese Inselmenschen sind glücklicher?

Sie haben zwar Probleme mit dem Wasseranstieg wegen Klimawandel und ganze Insel verschwinden, Malaria, Tsunamis und Vulkanausbrüche.

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2 years ago

I’ve been through Maldives for a 14-day holiday. This is my personal hell. Once and never again.

Do you think these island people are happier?

People there lack the comparison as it is on the great mainland of Western civilization. They’re happy, even if that’ll change soon. For a long time, the Maldives will probably no longer exist.

2 years ago
Reply to  AdvanPadawan

And what are you doing all day? This is nice for 6-7 days (who likes it…), but what else do you do there?

After a few weeks you will miss things like (Internet) shopping, McDonalds, Döner, stable Internet, Parties and Co.

2 years ago

Sure, you spoke of ring islands and not of big islands.

2 years ago

Has ne made a friend of mine or has worked for such a hotel complex on an island.

In the beginning she was thrilled that she could live there, after 4 weeks she called this prison and wanted to leave.

I used to make a vacation. After just a week, I wanted to leave.

I mean, what are you gonna do all day? You’re always on the beach. You want to go to the movies or something.

2 years ago
Reply to  AdvanPadawan

But you spoke about the “Ring Islands”, that is, those Atollen. Tahiti or New Caledonia are, however, not an atoll, but larger islands where there are really everything.

New Zealand fits only conditionally. The country is almost as big as Germany.

2 years ago

Surely I would like to have a villa there, but living permanently no thanks.