Wie ist es Schwanger zu sein?
An alle Mütter oder an alle Schwangere…
Wie ist es eigentlich schwanger zu sein?Oder zu waren?
Ich kann mir das sehr schmerzhaft vorstellen und ich finde dass es bestimmt auch unangenehm war…was war das schlimmste?Wird es wirklich sehr wehtun?Ich weiß nämlich nicht ob ich wenn ich älter bin mit Harz 4 ein Kind zu kriegen oder eines zu adoptieren? Gibt es noch was anderes?
Instead of planning civil money (Hartz IV is abolished), you can also go to work. An adoption is therefore excluded anyway.
Otherwise, pregnancy is neither painful nor unpleasant. Unpractical and annoying perhaps, but pain should not occur.
I just found the wrong diagnosis.
I don’t know…
I’ll start crying…
Love and care for yourself.
If you have depression, turn to your pediatrician who leads you to a specialist.
That’s why I’m so depressed… I just need someone with me….
I know, but it just makes me sad so often to be alone…I lack love…here is no one who loves me right and cares…
You shouldn’t get kids.
With Hartz4 you should not get a child or adopt one. Have a good school degree, get a training and then find a job. And look at your mental problems as an omnivorous thing… I hope you’re in therapy.
A mentally beaten woman without a job and without a regulated income is not suitable for providing and raising a child.
A partner and a firm relationship would also be highly recommended before dealing with the issue of family planning. You got that?
I would, of course, talk to my later husband about it, but that sounds like I really couldn’t…. would I rather buy a cuddly animal? Anything you like? But I would also have something alive in my arms…😭😭😭😭
How about a cat?
So not that I don’t give you a child, but in your current situation you can’t take responsibility for it. There are kids who scream a lot and sleep very little, you’re fast at his limits… and you’re likely to be much faster. Then you still have to take care of the child and can’t just put it somewhere in the corner because you don’t have any desire or strength anymore.
So as hard it sounds: I actually think a cuddly animal would be the better solution for you as long as you don’t have a fundamental change.
I’d take you to a baby. Your only question: speaks volumes… against your own child!
Yes Cat would be nice, but I would have had something else…
Slight and gripping – no German youth office would let you adopt a child as an educator of services according to SGB II.
Regarding pregnancy and birth – the most strenuous / most painful is the expulsion phase.