Wie ist es beschnitten zu sein?
Hey, ich bin 19 und nicht beschnitten. Ich überlege es machen zu lassen, nur würde von euch gerne wissen
Hey, ich bin 19 und nicht beschnitten. Ich überlege es machen zu lassen, nur würde von euch gerne wissen
Ich war beim Urolog, er sagte ich habe ne Entzündung, kann das auch der Fall sein dass ich es weh habe? (Wenn ich Brufen trinke ist es besser)
kann man eine nizoralcreme mit dem Wirkstoff ketoconazol auf die Eichel auftragen, um eine pilzinfektion zu behandeln?
Hallo! Hab da eine Frage. Mein Sohn (4J.) wurde gestern beschnitten. Ich weiß, es ist noch recht frisch, aber wir lange darf das denn nachbluten? Jedes Mal wenn man die Unterhose (vorsichtig) runterzieht, fängt es an mehrere Minuten zu bluten. Mein Sohn verweigert auch das Klogehen. Er weint und weint und wenn er dann doch…
Hey Liebe Community, ich hab hier mal ein Anliegen was mir sehr wichtig ist und sich für viele jetzt wohl auch etwas komisch anhört. Also ich versuche es mal so kurz wie möglich zu halten und würde mich über eure antworten Ideen Erfahrungen wirklich freuen. Angefangen damit, ich bin 24 Jahre jung und hatte noch…
Hallo wollte das mal fragen
I think it’s great to be cut.
At the beginning of 40, I took a medical but not compelling reason to let me cut high&tight after I had been busy for a few years. I had come to the conclusion that many allegations of circumcision opponents are at least misleading or not so durable.
At your age, I have let myself be collected from the narratives of the circumcision opponents. Looking back, I can say that there was a lot of confusion with me at the time: I had fun at certain types of games with my foretaste and saw my preference for these types of games underpinned with these narratives. That was really nonsense. You can have fun on his foreskin and want to keep them. This, however, does not make most claims to the alleged negative consequences of circumcision true.
Rather, I am quite certain: for some people with sexual problems or sexual dissatisfaction, circumcision is a practical explanation but hardly the true cause.
If you want to be circumcised, you should not be allowed to stop. And if you want to be quite sure not to lose feelings, you can cut yourself high&tight, then everything that feels like is preserved.
And once again: Great compliment for the excellent answer! (Accords to the specialist in urology/andrology). ⭐
Thank you
But very short foreskin, which is why I can partly understand them disadvantages. Why withey will be free, because
In summary, I don’t know your reason and have called you the usual. The balance would be aesthetic against feeling. From my point of view, I’m glad everything’s intact.
*) For example, Wikipedia. Here in particular the paragraph “Effects on Sexuality”:
I myself am low and tightly trimmed and can only recommend it. The circumcision is an enrichment for me. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, like you, and then let it go.
It is so that you can only be satisfied if you are circumcised if you are interested in the subject.
I was first trimmed as an adult (with 32), so I know both, with and without a fore skin, very good and can therefore say from my own experience that I do not need my fore skin and also do not miss it. I feel very well trimmed and can only guess if there is a desire. Let it go.
This irreversible step would be very well superior to you. If you suffer from phimosis and have failed any other method of stretching, or if your foreskin is repeatedly inflamed, circumcision can ease problems.
Otherwise, circumcision means the loss of a large very proportion of your pleasure receptors. The receptors in the acorn retreat into deeper layers, because the constant friction of your acorn on the underpants would be a continuous stimulus flooding. By circumcision you also lose all receptors that are in the fore skin. The need to always need gliding gels for all cocks and during sex is growing abruptly. You are also more susceptible to diseases that pass through the urethra into the body, as they can now enter the body rather than when the foreskin protects you from it.
This aspect with the diseases that can easily get into the urethra: do you have sources? I find it quite absurd from mechanical considerations. Due to their permanent opening, the precute should hardly be a barrier for viruses or bacteria.
I have no source, but I have read on an American doctor’s homepage that, for example, women get the lightest bladder inflammation, then come cut men and most rarely have uncut men. The reason is that women have a very short urethra, men have 20cm more and uncircumcised men also have a foreskin that makes direct access to the urethra impossible.
That’s how my urologist told me.
It would only be possible for medical reasons. The front skin protects the acorn. In your place, I’d think about it. You can’t do it again.
What are you waiting for?
The longer you wait, the more you annoy yourself, not before it hates.
Only those who both know can talk about the difference. Like myself.
The glans always have free to feel friction on the laundry, cleanliness, the look straight from women’s view, the feeling at the GV, and not forget the pride.
So, convinced?
I was circumcised as a ten-year-old Christian German with a small part of Jewish ancestors (see below) (low&tight, Frenulectomy: all smooth and foldless). This has been several decades since.
With the state of circumcision, I am extremely satisfied and happy: Yes, I love being circumcised!
I had recurring, strongly itchy inflammations of acorn and inner foreskin (Balanoposthitis) and had the choice between long-term ointment therapy with “untrue success” and a circumcision. Since I also knew a few circumcisioned penises of adults from the nudist, which I found more attractive than my (unfortunately mainstream) cipfe hat thing in Germany, I immediately and joyfully agreed to my circumcision. It fell out Low&tight, which I found very well and find (between top of the acorn and the scar are received 5 mm inner pre-skin leaf; sideways more and bottom/rear over 10 mm).
In addition, there was a family background that was significant for my parents (and your attitude to addressing the medical recommendation on my prophylactic circumcision) and then also for me and my immediate and convinced consent:
My grandma had had a Jewish mother who had survived the Nazi era in Germany like a miracle with wrong papers. Thus, through the narratives of my grandma, I got a very personal “transformation” for my circumcision, which I still consider to be very valuable. Although I am an evangelical Christian, this Jewish root means a lot to me and I am glad and proud to carry the sign for the covenant of God with Abraham invariably on my body. Although it was not a ritual act, it was “only” a medical one – which, however, was a surgeon who also worked as a mohel for the Jewish community, which is why it was carried out with me according to the rules of the Mischna.
Psychically, physically and sexually, I am extremely satisfied with my circumcision. And I haven’t been a few sexual partners since then, and they are. I can’t imagine.
Even without having had sexual experiences as an uncircumcised person, and therefore not being able to compare “with” with the “without” for sexual practice on their own body and with their own feelings: I still consider the stimulation ability of my penis to be excellent even decades after my circumcision. In the erected state, my acorn and the remaining rest of the inner fore-skin leaf, as well as in particular the triangle in which the french was once, is extremely sensitive – with a temporally largely “controllable” objective in relation to the orgasm: I can (especially with the use of lubricants, in particular the body’s own preejaculate, that is to say the “brush” already after a few seconds, just like rubbing on the trousers) – but I love it at the same time that there is always and unrestricted so much sensitivity even in the everyday resting state that I am constantly reminded, for example by said rubbing of the acorn on the trousers, that I have no foreskin. I also love this aspect of the constant, but not intrusive “presence” of my circumcision in consciousness…
The circumcision is also part of my personality and self-understanding, even because of my family history described above. And with that of my individual pride.
This is my very personal experience. Many of my circumcised patients share it.
Why do you want this at all? If it is necessary for medical reasons, then understandably there is only this possibility. But only for optical or religious reasons, I wouldn’t do it.
But in itself I have no problems to be circumcised anyway, an intact forema is better I would think.
It’s very good for me, but at the end you have to decide for yourself. No one can take it.
I am very happy to find it nice and very happy.
I’ve been trimmed with 6 for medical reasons. Do not know otherwise, have no problems with it and finds visually nice.
Let everyone do as he thinks…
I’m happy about it myself. That it was medically necessary as a baby with me. I find it aesthetically and more beautiful than having such a nipple..
Cutting without medical reasons is bodily injury and should be prohibited. Moreover, the circumcision has only disadvantages. M
My friend is circumcised and, after initial scepticism and rejection, is now very satisfied.
two of his friends too, and in the family branch of my father it is also common. All are satisfied
I hesitated for a long time until I was ready. I had a long foreskin, a short band and occasionally inflammation. In the USA, I had seen that everyone was circumcised and apparently had no problem with it. In the end, everything was much easier than I had imagined. I can’t find a loss of feeling, the problems are gone, no smegma, no bad smell, and it also looks tightly trimmed with me much better than the formerly protruding ruff. I got used to the freelance acorn quickly, and I’m glad I did.
It is good for me, especially because I like the sight of the exposed oak.
This is a very individual thing. You have to make the decision for yourself. Everyone has their own reasons or against.
I don’t really feel a big difference. In the case of Sb it is necessary to make something different, in the case of GV it is so that I last longer until sperm is poured and I have no pain or inflammation. Man is an eye-catcher with exposed acorn in the sauna and naturist.
If it is not medically necessary, circumcision is a minus business.
Why is that?
Because 1 – 1 equals 0
That’s bullshit what you write
Can you have math?
But I know the meaning in contrast to you, who is not able to answer intelligibly
Then you don’t know the meaning of “sense”?
But I did, and you didn’t answer my question
My answer includes mathematics. So you didn’t read my answer?
What does Mathe have to do with circumcision? Who has no idea about circumcision should simply not answer
You have a problem-free foreskin, let it be removed and have entered a MINUS business.
You have a problem-affected foreskin, e.g. phimosis, “must” remove it and have not entered a negative business.
what does that mean in this connection?
Why do you want to do that? It’s an intervention, with certain risks.
I’d be interested in why you do that. For religious reasons, it’s too old. Although I cannot understand this in a religion.
Because of aesthetics and because my foreskin is far too long. I want to do it
I can’t understand, because the foreskin has a function. It is not necessary medically. And aesthetics is not an argument for me. But everyone like him wants.
This is not the way the affected people decide for themselves. The fact that a full-year-old man who knows the advantages of a foreskin is voluntarily religiously circumcised is rather rare.
Exceptions are those who want to convert later and then be cut. Whatever I can’t understand. I know such a case. He then retreated from us, unfortunately, as he was actually a nice and smart timemate, with whom one was able to talk well earlier.
I can’t believe that. I don’t know personally.
If not medically necessary, let alone be!!
I was circumcised with 11 years for total pimosis, have no problems since I have been circumcised and I am very satisfied.
If there are no medical reasons to be circumcised, it is not recommended.
Why is that?
Why should it be allowed to change its body chirugically, in this case not removable if it is not medically necessary.
Everyone like him wants, but if it’s for medical reasons, then the KK otherwise you have to take care of it yourself because it counts as a beauty soop.
possibly because of the aesthetic?
For me, it’s the best that there is, nor has any other circumcised one that he is dissatisfied with circumcision.
I feel more about SB and sex
really super… I would always do
Yes, let it do, you won’t regret it
I don’t know why I should let a healthy body part operate.🤦🏻 ♂️
Or do you have mental problems with it?