What is a day like in Tomorrowland?

Hello, I really want to go to Tomorrowland sometime, but I'm wondering what a day there is like. If you want to go to the main stage, do you stay there the whole day? What's the deal with drinks? How many DJs can you see on the main stage? Etc.

I'm totally interested in this😅

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1 year ago

As a rule, the entire Fesival period is left. Most camps probably. Is sun campin place “Dream Ville” . Of course you can also leave or go to the hotel or so, but that would be too stressful to drive back and forth.

Whether you stay on the main stage all day is left to everyone. If you want to stand in front, you have to go a bit more or stop by pushing xD Find a bit farther but more comfortable at least if you want to dance.

Drinking can be bought everywhere. Eat before you buy breakfast etc. You can also drink beforehand, but you can only be used on the tent pitch so stop at the festival grounds itself is not allowed.