Wie ist ein fünf-Sterne-Hotel so?
Ich war noch nie in einem fünf-Sterne-Hotel und mich interessiert es wie es dort so ist.
Könnte mir Mal jemand der schon in einem fünf-Sterne-Hotel war Bilder schicken
Ich war noch nie in einem fünf-Sterne-Hotel und mich interessiert es wie es dort so ist.
Könnte mir Mal jemand der schon in einem fünf-Sterne-Hotel war Bilder schicken
Wir sollen auf so eine Drecksklassenfahrt nach Lübeck mit „zentraler Dusche“. Bedeutet das, dass jedes Zimmer eine eigene Dusche hat oder nicht?!
Hallo zusammen, mein Freund war als Kind in einel Hotel auf Lanzarote, in seinen Erinnerungen gab es dort im inneren eine Vulkanlandschaft in der Hotellobby. Weiß von euch jemand zufällig wie dieses Hotel heißt? Wir wurden leider über Google ohne Hotelname nicht fündig
Hallo. Ich denke, ich bin auf etwas gestoßen. Etwas seltsames. Es geht um die Sonne sowie um den möglichen Planeten, den ich sehe. Ich dachte zuerst, es sei der erste Planet, der an der Sonne ist. Dann aber verglich ich die Größe sowie den Abstand. Und es wurde komischer. Der Planet glich der Erde zwecks…
I think there are various pictures here on the Internet. I can still report briefly, as I was already in various 5 strings up to 5 stars superior.
Steigenberger Hotels: A lot of the Steigenberger hotels are 5 stars (there are also many 4 and 4 star hotels) and 5 star hotels. I always liked it very well there. Beautiful, open and light-flooded rooms. The hotel in Hamburg, I find myself now with the most beautiful after the renovation. During the reconstruction, I found it very nice to have breakfast at the top (in the actual conference room). There was a very nice view! However, one does not have the typical concierge as one could expect. There is one who does not fulfill everything and is more like a better reception. There is already a good service without asking, but I’ve already experienced better. An exception here is the Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof, here there is a very good concierge, which is comparable to other 5 star hotels.
4 Season/Vier Seasons Hamburg: This is the hotel you think of when you think of luxury. Lots of gold, big chandeliers and a real concierge that can get you everything. However, we did not use this as often as we simply did not need it. But, like reservations in restaurants, we’ve been letting you walk over him since you got a table easier. The rooms were also very beautiful and also glamorous, but at the same time modern. Also of course very good service, even the food at the lunches and evenings was great and from the price was ok, not exactly cheap but also already more expensive and ate worse. Nice hotel, you have to like the style.
Here’s a teenager.
Five stars can also vary very much. I was already in which, but they were unspectacular. Others really great. Also once was in a five star plus, that was then another house number with bed beat up in the early evening etc.
Which five stars plus hotel have you been? Also here in Germany? I’ve only experienced this in three hotels myself
It’s been a while, unfortunately, it doesn’t know exactly what the hotel was called. But it was in Dresden, near the Frauenkirche.
Was then a real lucky handle during a business trip. Probably had little utilization in the week and short-term affordable prices for the night.
on the next trip it was again far outside the budget.
Oh so okay, in Dresden I was only in the Steigenberger, also at the Frauenkirche, but the beds were not beaten up there
At the time, we were in Egypt exclusively in hotels with 5 stars (country category) after we had only four stars.
The problem with the stars is always whether they are international, or only country category. You have to differentiate this very clearly.
Go to a travel portal like Trivago or the like, where you can watch pictures of 5 star hotels.
The stay in such a hotel is very nice.
Look at Youtube, you’ll find countless videos and documentary.