Wie ist eigentlich der Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA XTronic?
Hallo, bin m/19 und habe mir ein Nissan Pulsar 2017 Bj. angeschaut mit Automatikgetriebe. 1.2L Hubraum, Benzin und 86kW bzw. 116 PS. Der hat ca. 140000km und kostet 9000€.
Der ist von einem Nissan Händler im „Schönen Zustand“ und wurde sogar mit TÜV schon geprüft. Und sonst hat er die Ausstattung die ich möchte.
Was denkt ihr dazu?
Bin mir unsicher ob 1.2 L und 116 PS passen, aber falls sich wer dort auskennt mit Motorisierungen, bitte lasst es mich wissen! Ich weiß das dort drinnen ein Nissan Motor verbaut ist und kein Renault Motor.
It was sold as a new car with almost 40% estate, so it is overpriced at 9,000€ and the mileage. Had thought to order a winter slut at that time
By 2018, the Pulsar was the latest classic compact car Nissans – it is not a bad vehicle. Unfortunately totally unsuccessful as his predecessor, the Nissan Tiida, but generally not wrong – he has plenty of space, is reliable, comfortable and a typical Japanese old school; the right car for people who are not willing to pay the extra price for the VW golf and take it to buy a car without image. Here is a test of ADAC, which describes the car quite well.
Here is another video with hints about what to watch as a used car at Nissan Pulsar. Spare parts should not be a problem with a car that was still new six years ago.
You can purchase a very good, fully equipped, although unspectacular KFZ at a reasonable price – but you have to drive the pulsar forever until it falls apart, because the car is simply totally unknown and therefore can be sold.
It is positive that the Pulsar went almost exclusively in private hands and left to more conservative motorists who are constantly cared for used cars. I would look for something like this at Nissan’s dealers with used car guarantee and checkbook – and this is a car that surely meets the taste of people who just want to be mobile and the stress-free as possible. There’s hardly anything wrong. Little tip: Turn to one of the numerous small family Nissan dealers who know their customers personally and for decades – they are customer service, want to tie customers to themselves and trade with cars that they know or have sold themselves and waited. A pulsar from this direction is certainly good.
The car even has a guarantee fortunately, but a pity that you can’t sell it like that.
But this is better and safer even with a solid and reliable Nissan – you never put in a car, even if it is a good Japanese or an expensive Mercedes etc.
I first bought a used BMW from the Seven Series and I was left by the dealer to choose whether I want it with or without warranty. I chose the variant with warranty plus option for extension after one year.
I’ve been looking for BMWs and Audis under 15000€ and you’ll find only a few 1 BMWs automatic and almost nothing for the Audis if you’re looking for automatic. My family wants me to drive a German car, but I can’t find anything there. I still found a Seat Leon 2013 Bj. and still a VW Golf VII 2015 Bj., both automatic but no warranty from the dealer.