Wie ist die Wortbedeutung von “deklinieren”?

Bei mir kommt es im Moment häufiger vor, dass jemand “deklinieren” benutzt. Beispielsweise in dem Satz: “Das Thema xy müssen wir in späteren Vorlesungen deklinieren.” Kann mir jemand mal die Bedeutung davon abseits der Konjugation erklären?


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1 year ago


The word “declining” has various meanings, depending on the context. In linguistics, “declinating” refers to the change in the form of subjectives, adjectives or pronouns in order to display their grammatical function in the sentence, such as adaptation to case, numerus, genus, etc. In other contexts, “declinating” may mean listing something in an orderly list or order, or also presenting the different forms or variations of something.

Greetings! 😊

1 year ago

It means “bend”. This means in grammar a main word/nomen/noun in all its forms, i.e. gender, number and case.

The table, the table, the table, the table. It’s a “declination.”

In the sense that one thinks that one passes through and works through a subject in all variants, cases and forms.

1 year ago
Reply to  Purpurnixe

In addition:
declining – Wiktionary Meaning [3]

1 year ago


a) [language science]
count the forms of a nomen (especially marked by endings) (e.g. nouns, adjectives, pronouns)

(b) [repealed, outdated]
reject, keep away from, redirect

I’m afraid in your sentence it was used wrongly. “Defining” would be more appropriate.

1 year ago

Probably meant “more precise examination”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tannibi

In addition:
declining – Wiktionary Meaning [3]